The End of Summer
Thursday September 24th 2015, 12:16 am
Filed under: More

The summer has in my opinion officially ended because the final paddle board race has come and gone. Classic Deep Cove to rain on Board the Fjord the big race day. But this year has been great, with so many amazing experiences, and here are just a few…
The year started early, so early that March break wasn’t even over before we were paddling again. We went on a 3-day trip to Tofino to go surfing as a team. We had 2 great surf days, and learned a lot about where, when and how to surf. SUP surf that is. In this picture I am the one holding the blue board and red paddle.

The first big race of the year was the Vancouver SUP Challenge. I did quite well winning the overall, and my category in my race. Also my relay team finished second, ahead of third by about 0.0001 seconds. (Thank you Evan) The highlight of that was our jerseys as you can see, are orange camouflage. So we are the ORANGE CAMO BABES!! Now I must explain the photo. I had just won my race, and my coach mike (grey hat) came to congratulate me, with his 10 month old daughter, Kanami. I went for the fist numb but Kanami said no, high five by opening her hand.

The second, and probably the biggest race of the year was the Columbia River Gorge. I got to meet the best in the world, including Connor Baxter, shown above. He is world champion, and is only 20 years of age! My race was good, I finished 4th in my category, but hey I got lots of free stuff.

The longest race of my year that I went to was the lake Kalamalka SUP challenge. We drove into the interior to Vernon, to paddle across Kalamalka lake. A feat of 17km in 02:14, not even close to the record of 01:43. This was the second year I went to the race, and this year there was some competition from Hawaii. My brother and I went 2-3 and the Hawaiian brothers went 1-4.

The final big race of the year that I went to was last weekend, Board the Fjord in Deep Cove. This was my second year of this race, and boy could the weather have been better. It was raining right up until race start, and windy all day. I did well finishing first in my category and 3rd in my race. (Board on left is 2016 model your welcome for the sneak peek)

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