Predicting My Future
Thursday June 01st 2017, 1:58 pm
Filed under: More

The next episode in what so far has proved to be a whirlwind of health and career, is all about our futures as students, people and contributors to society. In this mini-project we were told to make a short iMovie that played out our plans for the future and what in our pass influenced those ideas. We started by making a timeline about important milestones in our lives, mine is attached below.


The next part was to make the actual movie. I will link it here then talk about it below, and explain the creative process

Pretty cool intro, right? That took 2 hours, anyway that video was actually pretty easy. aside from my fun with the intro, it was quite a smooth, easy, fun process and it shows the watcher what I plan to do for the future.

The final part of my his project was taking some tests on the WorkBC website and seeing what BC said I should do with my life. There is 3 quizzes. The first is an abilities quiz, here are my results.

I was not expecting to get an optometrist as my answer, but after thinking a bit it’s quite interesting, doing a job that isn’t that hard, helping people and making a lot of money. That sounds pretty good. The next quiz was a work preference quiz. Below are my results.

This job I think that I would enjoy a lot, it is building and manufacturing, something that I enjoy doing and I skill that I would carry into any job that I do. I would like to make more money though because I would like to stay living in Vancouver. The final quiz is a Subjects quiz.

I would very much enjoy a job in construction management, it is a combination of building things, a passion of mine and another skill of mine, controlling and commanding people.







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1 Comment so far

Control and Command people? Take after your mother do you? HaHa
Very nice blog Adam I look forward to reading more.Grandpa

   Bruce on 06.12.17 @ 3:03 pm    Reply

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