Setting Goals Again
Sunday September 17th 2017, 11:02 pm
Filed under: More

Last year in the beginning of the year we made ‘goal setting photos,’ where we took an image of ourselves and using our iPad skills that we had learned from grade 8 we inserted text into the photo that described our goal for the year.

For grade 10, we did something completely different. We all made 3 different goals. One about our work directly in school, one about our attitude as a person and the third about our work outside of school. We were also to make images for each goal to be on screen when we were narrating. It was a mini-podcast, mine is attached below.

Goal 1-

Goal 2-

Goal 3-

Let me break down my goals. My first was to work on my storytelling, specifically my introductions and my hooks.

I consider writing to be one of my strong suits in school, but unfortunately this is not as true in storytelling. Often the beginning of stories might look good on paper,  but once they are read, they sound too conversational and not a real introduction. So this year I want to read aloud all of my introductions to myself and maybe others as well to improve them

My second goal is about my attitude as a person. I chose to be more patient with others, this is mostly about taking criticism and turning it into positivity, rather than rejecting other people’s opinions. At the end of last year I started to do this and I saw how it can help me, and I was to continue to do that this year.

Finally is my away from school learning goal. Right now my life has a lot going on, I am very involved with school, academically and and with school sports. I also I’m playing hockey at the NSWC. A new addition is that this fall and winter I am being put on a multi-level training program for Stan up paddle board racing. I also have to leave time to go work at my two jobs, and leave the rest for my family and friends.




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