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Even though it is already 2018, not too log ago was still 2017, ad how did I end 2017? Well, because I am a PLP student of course I spent it preparing for the annual winter exhibition. In the past 2 years, our winter exhibitions have been different from each other, they are all based on one thing. In my grade 8 year it was about Star Wars, and last year in PLP 9, it was all about Harry Potter. You can read both of those posts below.
This year it was a lot different. In the pass we have done projects that are based around inquiry questions. Theses are questions that require research or testing to solve, and cannot Ben answered with a simple yes or no. This year we didn’t do that at all. So far this year, every project that we have done has been a podcast: this is because in grade 10 PLP we focus on audio presentations. We have made a podcast on WWI, and on Vancouver and it’s problems. Those are also on my blog.
We had been listening and talking about podcasts the whole first term, we talked about all the different konds of podcasts, how you can have interviews, comedic podcasts, professional podcasts, and a lot more. My favorite to listen to was definitely comedy. Two of my favorites were The Basement Yard and Insanely Chill. I will link them below, but as a warning they all include explicit language and very odd humor.
Even though I really enjoyed listening to those podcasts, it became apparent that I could not make a podcast like these guys: Cody Ko and Joe Santagato dom for obvious school reasons. So I was back to square one. But then I thought, what do I love to do? I love talking. I love talking to people. Interviews, perfect. It also helped that we were making podcasts interviewing people, but that is irrelevant, the point is I like interviews. So to begin we had to make a podcast with a grade 12, and try and get a story out of them. I was very sick that week and had to compromise, so I made a podcast with my brother. This did not work the way I wanted it to. But for the sake of learning and a growth mindset, here it is.
That idea of podcasting with a family member was not done though, as the next weekend we had to make a podcast with a member of our family. For me I was going to pick my brother, that did not work or two reasons: one, I wasn’t allowed to use him twice, and two, he wasn’t very good at them. So for a podcast where we were encouraged to ask a family member about a topic that w knew little to nothing about, I interviewed my mom about when and why she moved to Vancouver. I liked this podcast more.
So, this takes us all the way to the exhibition. Like I mentioned earlier we were not making a project, we made a podcast instead. We were teamed up with a grade 12, the grade 12 that drafted me was Michael Sutherland. His job was producer, he walked around the school during exhibition night, trying to find people for me to interview. He would then bring them into the ‘studio,’ when I would interview them to try and get a story out of them. I interviewed 3 people, they all had good stories but in the end there was one that I liked a lot more. Below is my first draft of the product.
My producer came back, he gave me critique mostly about cleaning up the cuts, and making the podcast a bit more smooth. Here is the second draft that I made.