Tuesday March 06th 2018, 7:48 pm
Filed under: More

The whole point of science 10 is to introduce and become familiar with ideas and subjects that are available for the grade 11 sciences. This unit is one of those, we did chemistry. This unit is very important for me because I am taking chemistry next year as one of my sciences.

Last year in grade 9 we did a little bit of this topic, but nothing to complicated. We mostly just studied the periodic table of elements, atoms and we did a little bit of Bohr diagrams. In the beginning of this unit we made a mind map aniy what we could remember or any knowledge we had about chemistry. My mind map was not that big, but don’t worry it will get bigger.

So what did we do to expand the little knowledge that we had. Well, we focused more on reactions and experiments. We started with learning about the process that goes into a proper scientific lab, we practiced creating hypothesis’s, procedures, and more to prepare us for making our own experiments at the end of the unit. We did a few experiments to practice making observations, hypothesis’s and going over all of this and confirming what we got wrong and right. While doing these experiments we were also doing a bunch of textbook work. In the textbook we were learning about chemical equations, balancing them, Bohr diagrams, and Lewis diagrams.

After all of this we knew how to balance chemical equations, we knew how to properly show the number of electrons, protons, and neutrons in multiple ways, we also knew how to design and execute an experiment. So, the final part of this unit was a project. In pairs we made experiments using the knowledge that we had gained over the past couple months surrounding chemistry and chemical equations. I worked with Kate for this project. We wanted to take multiple water samples from across Deep Cove, and test for pollution across the southern Indian Arm. We plotted these points.

We had a problem though. Even if the water did have some pollution in it, it would be very very faint and had to see in the experiment. So we had to change. Our teacher, Mr Gross gave us an idea, he asked us to test what is in tinfoil/aluminum foil. This project sounds simple, but what was exciting about it was that it made a very interesting reaction that looks good on video. We performed our experiment in front of the class, but we did not explain clearly, so we made a video to better explain what happened and why.


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