TPOL 2k18
Thursday June 14th 2018, 3:54 am
Filed under: More

So, here we go again. It’s that time of year where I stand in front of my teachers and parents and try and make a bridge between the teachers, me and the parents. And this is the one where I tell you why I should be in the program based on what I have done this year. I don’t want to bombard you with example of my best work, my highs, I want to show you the upwards slant that I have showed this year. This growth. I am going to show three examples. One example of an improvement that has happened, one that is happening, and one that needs to happen.

The first section is where I believe there has been growth. In my last TPOL, i talked a little bit about the Florida field study back in grade 9, and how poorly I took advantage. The problem wasn’t about what happened exactly, but what I did with the opportunities. There were so many amazing opportunities to make an amazing project, but I didn’t take them. This is reflected in the teachers memory a and in the work I did.

Florida. Again.

The goal that I set in that last MPOL was to do better in California, do do more, and to take advantage more of the opportunities that I was given. I’m not saying that I was perfect, I don’t think that anyone is, but I did get better. I am very proud of my California book, my podcasts, and what I did there. I think that I followed through on my goal, delivered, and can see growth.

San California

Next is the improvement that is happening. I want to talk about math and science, and specifically the projects. At the beginning of the year I kind of threw off the idea of a “math project” I saw it as irrelevant. This can be seen in my effort and product in my solar panel project.

Trigonometry Unit

But, after getting verbally chewed out by my teachers and once I realized how bad these projects were, I knew I had to change. I’m not saying my math and science projects are know leading the class, I’m too humble for that. I am very proud of them however. The most recent example is our graphing project. In a project where the whole class was comparing rates of cell plans, Kyle and I asked and got approved to do something different that was more interesting, we compared the costs of buying and maintaining three different exotic animals.

Buying Exotic Animals

The final and most fun topic for this blog and presentation is what I need to work on. This isn’t a project, but more a personal trait. That is control. Personal control.

Im not saying that I am a complete psychopath, but I’m also saying that I have a problem. Around consistency. Some days I feel like I am on top of the world and class, like when I made the whole website, was teaching every one in the class how to imbed links in the website, and all the while staying positive. The I have had days where I have to completely remove myself from the classroom due to anger and fear of lashing out at the class, or times where I have. I’m not saying that I want to change how I act every day, I already have fixed the behavior, what I need to do every day is clam down, check to make sure that I am ready to perform at my best, then start class. If I don’t feel like that, instead of lashing out, I need to slow down. Stop. And fix the attitude.

But, if you see the arc that has happened with my attitude, from my negativity, the way to my work ethic, I know that will follow suit. Along with the progression of my work quality and ethic, I know that I am a perfect fit for PLP 11.

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