Transitional Presentation of Learning.
Tuesday June 18th 2019, 12:33 am
Filed under: Humanities,PGP

So, here we go again. It’s that time of year where I stand in front of my teachers and parents and try and make a bridge between the teachers, me and the parents. And this is the one where I tell you why I should be in the program based on what I have done this year. I don’t want to bombard you with example of my best work, my highs, I want to show you the upwards slant that I have showed this year.

Now, normally I will tell this story through a blog post. I will typically divide it into three parts, work I am proud of, work that shows growth and work that needs more work put into it. All with corresponding examples. This year though, we did not do that. We were given free reign, no script and just told to have fun.

For me that was nothing but good news. I had never used the script anyway, I had just done whatever I kinda wanted. Even still, I did follow that general idea of the three examples that mean the same things. So, I decided to switch it up. I made a keynote that was a pitch. A pitch of myself.

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