Destination Imagination 2.0
Tuesday February 28th 2017, 12:30 am
Filed under: More

So like last year, this year in PLP we did Destination Imagination. I’m short D.I is a multi age program challenging students in multiple ways to call upon their skills, imaginations, and most importantly each other

Destination Imagination








This year my group of SpencerLucasSam and Michael took on the engineering challenge; In It Together. The rules and detailed are described in the video below.

Our idea to solve that was to make 2 structures that represented a rocket and launch pad, the rocket was destined for the new earth, Gargantuan. Canada and USA come together to send men and a station to this planet in an attempt to save our dying world. For us the hardest part was trying to get everything to fit in a way we liked.


The presentation went about the same as we thought it would, we looked slightly out of place, due to the fact we all weren’t dressed in suits and/or matching custom t-shirts. Also for some reason I felt really tall. Anyway, turns out our Machine was too heavy but we improvised and fixed it, only for it to break. In short we have a lot to work on for provincials.

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