Transitional Presentation of Learning
Thursday June 22nd 2017, 4:40 am
Filed under: More

Normally around his time of year we do an SLC, a student lead conference, where we are given a script and way to present that we follow by using our work as examples of something we are proud of, something that shows a growth mindset and one that’s an example of learning. This year is different, in a TPOL we are to pitch to our parents and teachers why we should be allowed to participate in PLP next year.

This TPOL I want to talk all about growth as a learner, and how I want that to continue in the future.

So to begin I want to talk about my mindset and attitude. This is not only the growth from earlier in the year, when we had a whole meeting to talk about my mindset and how it needed to improve, in my SLC a bit after I was praised for improving the mindset by staying positive. In the SLC I set a goal to make it better moving forward. The result that has come out of this goal is a big different but not bad. I have seen and been told that in my work and in the whole school invironment my attitude towards criticism and revision has improved immensely. A great example is my Florida video.

Florida. Again.

That is my final draft, I went through 3 drafts before this, and after every single one there was extensive criticism. The critique came from my teachers, peers and grade 11 TA’s. At that time my video was just me talking over some Florida photos, then an interview and then a POV video that paused every time something I wanted to talk about happened. After taking all that critique, I am very proud of the work that came It of it.

I want to carry this to the future, I want to get so good at taking critique that I can instantly turn around and improve after one revision, not after one, two or three.

Another part of my school arsenal of skills is my leadership while working in groups and also when working as a class. I know I talked about it last SLC but I want to talk about DI again.


Destination Imagination Provincials 2


So, in DI this year I was in Mocha Bliss, a group of all boys, who were all friends. We were all shocked how we had been put together, normally our teachers separate us because we normally make what could only be described as trouble. In the beginning that was true, for the first couple weeks we really didn’t do much. When I saw what we had done, what we had to do and what we were competing with at DI I knew that I had to turn that group around. So I jumped into a leardership role and pulled it together for regionals, and after that for provincials I worked even harder to pull our group together to emphasize the skills that our very talented group had, and to shine as a group.

I’m not saying I want to do this with DI again, I’m saying I want to do this with every group project, to take a leadership role when us is needed, like I did for DI and what I should’ve done for the joke that was metaphor machines.

The final part that I am going to talk about is my success, how I plan to continue that success and my goals for the future. So two nights ago I was presented with the PLP Outstanding Learner award. This means a lot to me, it shows how much have grown and that I have been rewarded for my efforts. Also hearing what my teachers had to say about me was very uplifting and enlightening.

I want to continue this kind of success and praise next year. At the beginning of the year as you know we are going on a team bonding trip, I want to actively try and work to sew our cohort back together for the rest of grade 10. Also I have a similar goal for the field school in California in February. As of now I don’t know what the project that we are doing that goes with the trip, but I want to maximize my time there which is something that I unfortunately did not do in Florida, but since then I have changed my view on field schools.

I also have 3 more goals. The first one I talked about earlier, I want to continue to assume and to step up more often into a leadership role. The second is that I want to keep my work ethic up so that I continue with this success. And the last one is to elevate my participation in field schools.

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