My live event

For my recent filming and attendance of a live action event for maker, I chose a trip to Gastown with my friends, Luca, Isabelle, Celina, Melika and Maggie. (Most of them have blogs and I hope you go an visit them!) The criteria for this event was basically to catch all the footage you could, make sure you got an interview, time lapse clips, slow motion clips, use freeze frames and the ken burns affect on still photographs and, well thats it!

To start my project I made an action plan. An action plan is a list of all the shots you might want to take, since its a live event and you can’t recreate any certain shots. The action plan helped me put all of my ideas into a chart so I wouldn’t be worrying about it in the moment. 

The next step I took was actually filming the live event. The whole night I had my camera out and on. I was filming everything! I didn’t really look at the shape of the clips till later but in the end I was pretty happy at the quality and mass of film, and I felt that I could easily shape the clips into a story. Only one problem, since there was so much film (over 15 mins) it took a while to select which ones could be used and which part. When the first edit was done, I took the video into Vont, a font app that helps with unique titles. I put little tittles on the interviews, for when the audience watches they can tell what the question that was being asked is.

We watched the videos in class the next day, and we found certain things in our own videos that we wanted to change, shape, or just completely remove. We wrote out 3 points that we wanted to change about our videos and got to work.


In my final edit I added freeze frames on the interview so you could tell who is speaking. I also layered the interview so that you wouldn’t get bored while watching and it ties the interview back to the story. 

I hope you like the video and have a good rest of your day!

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