Math card game

2+2=4 -1 that’s 3, quick maths

In math 9, we recently had to create a math card game that covered BEDMAS. (Brackets, exponents, division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction.) And I thought I would share my game with you.

My game has 4 different characters on the cards



Winnie the Pooh

Mickey Mouse


And Garfield


The Flinstones card symbolizes that it is either simple addition or subtraction worth 1 point. The Winnie the Pooh card shows that it is multiplication or division, worth 2 points. Mickey Mouse is worth 3 points and is questions with brackets. And lastly Garfield is exponents, worth 4 points.

The game works like this. You can have as many players as you want, but no less than 2. Everybody will have a set of cards, face down so all you will be able to see is the characters. Now when playing this game you must keep in mind which one is the easiest and which ones are harder, because before you flip the card you must know where it is going. The card can go above, below, on the left side and the right side of the prior placed card. Now after placing the card you have to answer the question that it creates. If you place the card above or below the card prior you are creating a fraction, but if you place it beside it is just a simple equation. After answering the question, say you put the card above the prior placed one, you would multiply the points on the side, but if you put the card beside the prior card you only get to add the points! Keep track of your points on an extra sheet, and you are set to play! Have fun!

Below is a simple video about how the game works!

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