Pêcha kucha

Before the break the whole of PLP 10, was tasked with the creation of a pêcha kucha per person. The pêcha kucha’s had to answer the driving question, “Why does it take a crazy person to change the world?” Now we had answered this question in our trip to Seattle, our Seattle videos, in our mini pêcha kucha’s, and our essays. But I believe I only truly understood the answer I was giving and the question itself, when I presented my pêcha kucha. Before I go into more detail, I will try to explain what a pêcha cucha is. 

A pêcha kucha is a oral presentation consisting of 20 slides, each on a self timer so they will change after 20 seconds. No script, your photos are your script. The slides are just photos, and they shouldn’t have any text. So it truly is quite simple, until it gets into the script. The script has to flow through the whole presentation (the whole 6 minutes and 40 seconds) It should transition with the images, and at the end of the presentation the audience should know the answer to the driving question. My pêcha kucha is above, and I’ll link some of the others  so you can watch those as well. Here’s Jamie’s, who I though did insanely well, Emily’s, and Jessie’s!

My pecha kucha focused deeply on how if you push your self past the point of becoming successful, and to a further goal only tou can see you will push the world forward.

This is proven through Elon Musks endeavours and his ambition to create a better planet, and to push our civilization onto another, becuase he knows that what the planet has undergone, will catch up with us at some point.

I also talked about our trip (briefly) to Seattle that defiantly shaped the answer I chose for my Pecha Kucha. 4 days and 3 nights in Seattle with my class, spending every day trying to figure out the answer to our driving question. We visited the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Center, we went on the Amazon tour, as well as the Microsoft tour, we also went to the Microsoft garage, and the Seattle Seahawks Satdium, Centry Link Field.

This trip, and the project itself, taught us so much about what it takes to change the world, and why those that are called crazy are the ones who are really pushing our world forward. Through the Pecha Kucha I learned so much about what it takes, and why people change the world. I also feel that I have a deeper understanding of the meaning of the word crazy, while also having a new found urge to become somebody called “crazy” and to push the world forward!