Hello there, Aedan here to write another blog post for you to read. Starting on September 30, 2017 our P.L.P class went down to Oregon for a seven day field study. A field study is an opportunity to learn outside of the classroom. If you would like to see the itinerary click here. I learned so much on this trip and I really enjoyed the whole experience. I feel like our class now knows one another better because of this trip. We learned about structures, animals, tsunami’s, tides, monoliths, buffets and one another. During the whole trip we made a book about the things we saw, did, ate and learned. We started with an outline of what we had to include in the books then made them our own. I went with the theme black and white. Here is my book.

Another big assignment we did was the advertising project. To learn more about that project click here
Overall I had a great time and learned a lot. I would like to thank Mrs. Willemse, Mrs. Klausen and Mr. Hughes for taking us to Oregon. Here are some of my favourite pictures from the trip.

It was a very long bus ride back and I caught lots of people snoozing. I then made a collage using Pages. The trip was fantastic and the food was good. Especially the Schnitzel. Comment below what your favourite food is! Thanks for reading me.

Until next time… Aedan Loughran