Hello there, Aedan here. My Humanities class just finished a very interesting project based on religion and worldview. It was actually a mix of two projects. Our first goal was to make a short film about our own worldview using an app called Explain Everything and our second goal was to create an infographic about a religions worldiew. Before starting our worldview videos we did many ITunes U courses about the different aspects of worldview. We looked at a very good visual of worldview split into seven parts and used it often. There’s also a visual of the cycle of worldview. Here are both of those.

We made a mindmap using all seven categories in the visuals above to understand what our worldview was. I did numerous drafts of my mindmap making it better and more detailed every time. The mindmap helped me a lot when I made the script for the worldview video because it had all my ideas written down on it. I think my mindmap turned out pretty interesting in the end. Here’s my final draft of my worldview mindmap.

After plotting down all of our ideas on our mindmaps, we had to start making a script for our worldview videos. We didn’t want the scripts to be too boring or long, so we made our scripts into a story. Most people made their story scripts in first person, but I made mine in third person and I think that made my video more like a story and more narrative. After making a good script we had to create the video with Explain Everything. Explain Everything is a very useful app for creating cool visuals. I tried to make my video as creative as possible. Instead of using a voice over, I used a video of me talking and put it into a TV. I did multiple drafts of my worldview Explain Everything and each one improved immensely. I am proud of my final draft and I think learning about worldview made the religion unit much easier because we already had lots of knowledge about worldview. I hope you like my final draft of my worldview Explain Everything.

The second part of this unit was more focused on religions. We did lots of ITunes U courses on different religions. The main religions we focused on were Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Judaism and Aboriginal Spirituality. We did lots of learning and research on each religion and made a World Religion Chart. The World Religion Chart was an area to take notes and explain about each religion. I liked my chart because it was a piece of work I could refer back to when I needed more information about a religion. Here is my World Religion Chart.

After learning lots about religion it was time to have an up close experience with the religions we were learning all about. Our P.L.P 8 class went on field study’s for three days visiting mosques, churches, synagogues, gurdwaras and temples. Before the field study we got put into groups for the start of our second big project. My group consisted of Ben, Anika, Lucy and myself. We got assigned Sikhism as our main religion we were going to do the project on. Our first task was to create a little presentation for the Sikhs about what we have learned about how their worldview has been impacted from being a Sikh. We also created some questions to ask them at the Gurdwara. The whole experience of the field study’s was amazing. I learnt so much and I would like to thank all the people who welcomed us into their holy place. At the Sikh Gurdwara we got to have some amazing Sikh food. Here are a few photos from the field study’s. Big thanks to Mr Hughes, Mrs Willemse and Mrs Maxwell for making them happen.

Islam Mosque’s holy books

Judaism synagogue’s scrolls of sacred text

Sikh temple

Buddhist temple

Christian church

After all the field study’s we started making our final project of the unit. We were in the same groups as the field study and we had the same religion. Our task was to create an infographic about a Sikhs worldview. First learnt about what an infographic is and how to effectively make one. After everyone was very confident in what an infographic was, we were ready to start ours. We made a wireframe, which is like an outline of what our infographic was going to look like. After that we started creating the infographics. Our first draft turned out pretty good, but it obviously wasn’t good enough for our final. We kept making minor adjustments that made our final draft infographic much better. We changed the colour, size, shape and style of many different parts of our infographic. I am very happy with how it turned out. To make the infographic we used Canva and Flaticon. Here’s two of our many drafts.

Draft 1

Final draft

I learned lots in this long unit and I hope we do more fun little field study’s like we did in this unit. This was a very interesting group of projects and I have taken some good learning from them. I hope you all enjoyed this blog post.

Until next time… Aedan Loughran