Hello there, where ever you are,

Away from me, you are so far.

Reading this post, from under your bed,

A poetry post, that so far you have read.

Don’t worry, this post won’t be all rhymes,

This poem is finishing just now, because we’re running out of time.

… Aedan here and just recently we finished a new unit in humanities. As you can probably tell, it was on poetry. I wasn’t to stoked when I first found out we were going to learn about poetry, but it actually turned out really interesting and fun. We learnt about many different poem types and different tricks to make your poems better. Our final product was going to be a worldview poetry book that included all the poems we had made. We decided to make the poems on worldview since we had just learnt about that in our previous unit. If you want to read my blog post on worldview click here. Throughout the whole project we created nine poems and a poetry table.

Poetry table
Throughout the unit we worked on a table of poetic terms and what they mean. I learnt lots of new words and found this table very helpful when making my own poems. My poetry table is below.


We created a total of nine poems and each one had its own style of poetry. I could go on about each type for a while, but instead I will show you my poetry book. My poetry book has all nine poems in it and has a brief description of each. This was our main task for this unit and I am very proud of the end product. My poetry book took a long time to make and I’d love it if anyone had any feedback or constructive criticism on it. If you do, please comment below. Without further to do, here’s my poetry book.

Hope you liked the post and my poetry book. I learnt so much in this poetry unit and will apply my learnings to my future work.

Until next time… Aedan Loughran