Welcome to week 3 of the blogging challenge! Read week 2 here. This week we learnt about copyright free images. We learnt about different ways to get them like on Pixelbay. We had 4 options for this challenge. I chose a mix of two. The challenge I’m doing is to take a photo then right a poem about it. I chose to take my own photo because this is always the safest way to get a copyright free image. I also prefer taking my own photos rather than stealing others (even though it’s technically not stealing). Taking your own photos is the only 100% copyright free way. Anyways here’s my picture and the poem. Hope you enjoy!

I was peeking through the darkness,

hoping for a way out,

out of my head,

my thoughts, 

my feelings,

a way to peace,

to light,

to the warmth of the sun,

I could see a glimpse,

but only a glimpse,

I was a single cell in this multi million cell world,

a little whisper in the wind,

I lay,

in peace,

in darkness. 


Ok.. I sort of went crazy with that poetry there… anyways I hoped you learnt something and I hope you liked that picture and the poem.


Until next time… Aedan Loughran