Wuzzup my edubloggers

Welcome to moi



I wrote this post in 60 seconds.

That’s a lie by the way, I did not write this post in sixty seconds, although I did make a video about the Stanley Cup in sixty seconds. Once again I didn’t make the video in sixty seconds, but my… Continue Reading →

MPLO or whooops MPOL

Ok, it’s time for another mPOL. If you don’t remember from last year, an mPOL is a mid year presentation of learning. In other words it’s everything we have learnt so far this year and what we need to work… Continue Reading →

A stitch in time

Hello there, Aedan here once again. I think I need to come up with a new intro to these posts. I’ll try something new next time… A stitch in time! Our latest project in humanities. I really liked this project… Continue Reading →

😒happy birthday😒

Hello there, Aedan here. I’ll explain the title later. We are currently undergoing a very long project called D.I. You might have heard about D.I, but if you haven’t and you want to learn more about what it is CLICK… Continue Reading →

Advertising Project

Hello there, Aedan here to welcome you to this blogs first post. This post will be about the advertising project we have been working on in Humanities. At first we did lots of ITunes U courses. We did lots of mini tasks… Continue Reading →

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