Creating a Civilization; Rome ne fu pas faite toute en un jour

Recently we did a unit in our humanities 8 class that consisted of us learning about different civilizations, such as China and Rome. At first, I thought it was going to be a very basic unit like in elementary school, but I was wrong. After learning about all these civilizations, we started to learn about what makes people heroes. After many assignments and videos, we learned that in order to be a hero, you need to be kind, helpful and brave. After these assignments, the entire class thought we were over, until we were notified about the most amazing thing ever, quilting. What was worse was that we were going to do it by hand, which everyone moaned about, except for Simon of course.

My group,  which consisted of five people, all shared ideas that would eventually be connected together to create a dream civilization. Our group did not work as I expected. Many of us, especially the boys, constantly gave the rest of my group ideas which weren’t thought out very well in my opinion. We had to create a storyboard for our civilization and it was terrible. The draft looked a lot like this-

This picture symbolizes we did absolutely nothing.

Our group was kind of in a tight situation, and everyone else was ahead of us. We started thinking about other civilizations and gave it a modern type of twist. This story was about Juno, the hero of our civilization, who went through having to help his people thrive as a civilization after the bombing of his previous one. When we had partly finished the story board, we were assigned to tweak a couple of things, spelling, grammar and even capitalization, great job Quinn. We changed the plot and our entire page was filled with words. Our group had finished the story and now it was time to do the most amazing thing of all time, quilting.

Looking back at our storyline, I thought it was very unique and special in our own kind of way. I thought we had bad work habits at the start, but quickly changed our attitude when we heard that we were easily the most dissapointing group. I learned that creating a civilization is not easy and as the adage goes, “Rome was not built in a day.” Our group learned that creating great things requires time and effort. Creating the civilization was easily the best part of the unit, and now it’s time to quilt. Go check out my post about quilting here! –

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