The Last Step

This is a follow up to my first post on SLC’s. If you haven’t looked at that, check it out here!

This is the last category on SLC’s, and it’s about me overcoming a fixed mindset. I will be talking about how my fixed mindset changed to a growth mindset in just one unit.


Quilts, the most amazing thing in the world, and the most fun. The quilt unit was a long and fun unit where we were assigned groups and had to quilt stories, although at the start it was a disappointment. No one wanted to do the unit because no one wanted to knit! I had a fixed mindset about quilting. I never ever wanted to quilt in my life, until Ms. Willemse showed us a video, a video on how to quilt. It seemed like a fun adventure to me, and I decided to work hard at it. After I learned about it, I had a growth mindset.

Drafts of my Quilt –



The Final Photo



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