The Beginning of SlC’s

This is the beginning of the huge Student Led Confer news, or S.L.C’s for short. During the conference, I will be reflecting on my work I have been working on for the past two years. There will be three posts, all including certain pieces of work. So without further or do…

Let's Get Started!

The first piece of assignments I will be talking about include work that I feel made me the most proud. Although I have had many assignments I have worked hard at, I feel like when working on the advertising unit back in October I felt glad and satisfied with my work.

The advertisement unit was quite an entertaining one. I never really thought that in grade eight I would begin doing advertisements, the only time I had ever thought of doing ads was when I was in elementary school with my friends talking about Legos billboards in downtown. In the beginning of our unit our class had started to look at what makes an advertisement and at that point, I had never thought it would be such a tricky process. With all of the rules about capitalization and alignment, it felt like a nightmare at first. Then I started to realize it may be a little fun experimenting with all of the features apps like Canva and Repix have to offer. I had a great time doing the advertisements and I was proud about them, too.

First Drafts –

My First Draft


Final Drafts –




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