Gone Ski-Ing

Hello, and welcome back to my blog! It has been a while since my last post so let’s get started!


It is mid-way through spring break and I have just gotten home from everyone’s favourite ski resort, Whistler. Since it didn’t snow last year, everyone, including me, was very eager to go. Unlike last year, the conditions were perfect. It was very nice skiing the powder snow Whistler had to offer. Not only that, but the weather was amazing to. The best part about skiing Whistler was the line ups. There was almost nobody on the mountain, meaning I could ski down the mountain and go back up in less than ten minutes!



Since the conditions were great, I thought it would be a good idea to start skiing mogals. Mogals are bumps in the snow that you have to maneuver around. They were really difficult at first, especially on some runs, but eventually, I got really good at them and began doing harder and harder runs. After some wipeouts and amazing conditions, it was over, and now I am here doing my blog post.


Overall, it was an amazing week and I look forward to going next year!

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