Destination Imagination Provincials

Our grade nine class has recently undergone an educational tournament. Destination Imagination, or DI is a tournament where kids choose a challenge that they have to face and build something to solve the challeng. My groups challenge was to design a machine that would transport one of our members from one location to another. We also had to perform a play that would tell a story.

This blog post is about the provincial tournament. In order to reach the provincial tournament we had to compete in the regional tournament. I recommend checking out my regional tournament blog post before reading this post, Check it out Here.

So I recently completed Destination Imagination provincials with my group. We did quite well at provincials, but we did some modifications to our stage and presentation. Between the time of regionals and provincials, we added dry ice even though it didn’t really work in the presentation, it was still fun to play with after the presentation was over. We also made our stage more mobile, greasing up the wheels and the pipe and our gyroscope system. Making the stage move better and make it not squeak were two things we wanted to change after regionals. We also wanted to actually move our stage this time, and not have our technical method mess up in our performance. More on our performance, we decided to change up our skit a little bit. Instead of Calum, one of our group members, waking up on the spot we added bright lights as one of our technical effects. We also ditched the idea of our technical method and the weights, and instead had Ethan drag the stage, while still having the gyroscope effect on our stage, so we still got points. Ultimately, we placed first out of two or three in the senior group. Im not sure if our group was invited to Globals. It would be really cool to go, but I dont think our group is interested in travelling across the continent, presenting our skit and stage.


Overall, I thought our group did very nicely in Destination Imagination this year. We got first in both tournaments, and all of us feel proud of are accomplishments. We also got some trophies too!


Thanks for tuning in, see you in my next post.

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