Want do I want to get out of PLP?

So,today there was a very good meeting for PLP. At the meeting we reflected on what we did down in Oregon and talked about what PLP next year is going to look like. When we started to talk about the trips for next year it was said that to go to these trips next year we have to re-apply.
So let’s back track a bit here.
After we finished our advertising projects I decided I wanted to re-apply next year because I am enjoying the program so much and feel that this program is right up my ally. I love doing projects, bringing my learning to the next level and being engaged to what I am actually learning because I get pretty bored if it’s all text books and long,long,long lectures on “how the Romans were such a great civilization.”
After the meeting though I got thinking where do I want to go with this program? and where do I want to end up after high school? I have determined that this program will give me a better perspective on learning and also some really good learning strategies that I will use for the rest of my life.
As I end this post I just want to say a big thank you to my PLP teachers; Ms. Willemse, Mr. Hughes and Ms. Klassen. Thank you so much for making this program and creating really great projects that everyone has fun doing.

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