
In Humanities we started a new topic, after doing all of the advertising stuff. The new topic is……Myths. At first I was really excited because I have read lots and lots of books about Greek, Roman and Egyptian myths and really enjoyed them. Then I heard about our project at the end of it. We have to make a quilt.
Now when I first heard this I thought, well I have a grandma who quilts so she can help me with it. Then I discovered that we just print out an image onto fabric paper and then do the backing and binding. Super easy right? Wrong. It’s a lot harder than that we have to draw it then print it, do the backing and then the binding. Now for those of you how don’t know the binding is, it’s the border around the quilt. The binding is actually really hard to do so I’m not overly happy about it. Overall I’m not super happy about the project but I’m also not super unhappy about it.

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