Current and Recent Revolutions compared to Crane Brinton’s Theory

Since returning to school (sadly) we started a new unit all about revolutions. We talked about some different famous revolutions including the French, Industrial and more. After discussing various revolutions we were introduced to a theory by a historian with the name of Crane Brinton. Crane looked at six different revolutions; French Revolution, American Revolution, Haitian Revolution, American Civil War, Xinhai Revolution and Russian Revolution. From these revolutions Brinton formed a theory about the characteristics of a revolution, from the start of a revolution to the finish, that applies to most if not all revolutions. Brinton compared a revolution to a virus with four different stages. In class we created a diagram shows the four different stages and all that is included in those stages.


After completing the diagram we were given the task of asking a question about the theory that wasn’t already covered and include a piece of media about the question. So, in essence a mini blue sky project. My question is “does Crane Brinton’s theory still apply to current or recent revolutions or is it just for past revolutions?”

So, after getting my question approved I I started to look at a variety of revolutions from the past five years. After looking at many I decided to go with the Egyptian Revolution, the Ukrainien Revolution and the Abkhazian Revolution.

I reaserched each revolution, specifically looking for aspects of Crane Brinton’s theory. After researching I decided for my media element I was going to make an explain everything comparing the three revolutions to Brinton’s theory and here it is.

Like I said in the explain everything these revolutions still apply to Brinton’s theory. Despite the revolutions missing some aspects of the theory, the theory is still true for current and recent revolutions.

After getting some feedback I edited my Explain Everything.

Bibliography here:



Ukraine 2


Abkhazian 2

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