The Wonder of Wonder

In the past little bit we have been exploring wonder, here is some of the work I have been doing on the subject.

Here is the answers to a couple of questions we answered after reading an article about wonder.

1. Prinz’s experienced the circus as a place of wonder and curiosity while his parents dismissed it as just a bunch of people dressed up doing practiced acts all apart of a pointless show.
2. Sensory, wondrous things that engage our senses. Cognitive, wonderful things appear perplexing because we cannot rely on past experiences to help comprehend. Spiritual, we look up in veneration;hence Smith’s invocation of the swelling heart.
3. Wonder to Francis Bacon was a broken knowledge and a mystified incomprehension that science could cure.
4. A few years ago I went to a marine research station. As I approached the front enterance of the elaborate building I could feel all the animals that were inside, I felt like I was a telepath. When I entered to main foyer I saw dozens of tanks filled with fish and water. It seemed like a raw exhibit you could see the inner workings of the tanks, How they pumped water into the tank and took out old water. The fish seemed oblivious to the people croweded around their tanks as I walked down stairs I passed this ennormous skeleton that could have been 2 school buses long, it was one hulking mass of bone. When I reached the bottom of the stairs i felt like the land had traded places with the ocean, water was everywhere tons of fish and marine creatures everywhere. When I went to touch a fish in a touch pool it swam away like a lighting bolt, rushing to get away from the dark clouds. As I watched these creatures a sense of wonder came over me, So much of the ocean is still undiscovered and there could be anything found in the depths.

Next is the writing Prompt we did in class, we are shown a photo or picture and asked to use that photo as the bases for a piece of writing.

Down the rabbit hole
The dark expanse of the shadow grew, as I raced from it. It came closer and closer the father I ran. At the end of the trees, that I ran past, was a great plain filled with beautiful wildflowers of any colour imaginable. I tripped and over a hidden root, stumbled along and fell face first down a hole. The hole was particularly large but also not overly small. As I fell I brushed past dozens of flowers growing larger by the second. After what seemed an entirety I landed, on a flower that was as big as a table. As I took in my surroundings I realized that the hole had opened up into a giant cavern with only one passage towards a pebble of light. The only way to get to the passage was to jump to another flower and jump to the ledge that accompanied the entrance to the large tunnel. I decided to make the jump i first backed up as far back as I could then using my remaining energy to make a running leap towards the flower. As I flew the flower started to move towards me as if to catch me. I landed on the middle of the flower in a not very graceful fashion. The flower then started to move again towards the opening of the passage. As it reached the entrance I stepped off and gave a nod towards the flower, it gave a bend of petals in my direction almost as if it was tipping its hat to me. I turned and headed towards that small bead of light that to me signified the exit. After a long time of walking directly towards the light I finally reached the exit.

Last is the mind map we did about wonder and what we believe it means.


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