Monster Building and Mearsuring

For the past week and a bit we have been looking at surface area and volume in math. As a result of that we were tasked with creating a monster and calculating its surface area and volume.

We came up with our designs and told that we had to have at least one composite solid and three extra shapes on top of arms, legs, head and torso.

I first gathered a bunch of lego and clay from my house to build my monster.

Then when it was time to build I started to build the legs and arms of my monster and then I put together the torso and attached the legs and arms to it. Then I set about constructing the head. I had about two or three different combinations of lego to find the most stable one that would hold up my three extra shapes. I finally found the most stable combo and then I attached it to the torso and the rest of the body. The pieces of clay I formed were two pyramids and one cylinder(it was going to be another pyramid but it didn’t work out)

After I had attached the remaining pieces I had a complete monster.

Then it was time to calculate.

It took me an entire class block to measure and calculate my monsters volume and surface area and it included a lot of repetition.

Here is the total Volume = 175.14cm3

Here is the total Surface Area = 291.83cm2

This monster is going to be a piece of our upcoming unit The Rise of The Frankenstuffies. There will be blog posts about this unit in the future, for sure.

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