Role models

The week before spring break we were tasked with finding five of our role models and creating an image where they are sitting around a table with me there as well.

The reason for the large table is because it is a symbol for how I try to connect with these people. Most of the time I talk to them and learn from them that way. Tables are a place for people to sit down and enjoy a meal. Families discuss ideas and that sort of thing. That is mostly how I learn from my role models I have genuine conversations with them and learn from their experiences that they has passed on to me.

We also had to write a paragraph for each role model on the topic of why they are our role models.

My five role models are; Ari Nitikman, Trevor Wilson, Daryl Hutchison, Lloyd Pelton and Phillip Sullivan.

Ari Nitikman:

Ari Nitikamn is a professional ultimate frisbee player who plays for the Vancouver Riptide and he is also the co-founder of UltiPros Academy. Ari is my ultimate coach at the Vancouver Ultimate League and next year at UltiPros. He is one of Vancouver’s best AUDL players which is something I also want to strive for. My goal in Ultimate is to make it to the AUDL which Ari has done. He also runs his own clinics and is a really big contributing member of the local Ultimate community and he is bringing awareness to the sport along with the rest of us. That, in my mind, is something great because Ultimate is a somewhat new sport and deserves to be respected as one. Ari is almost like the symbol of what I want to be like as I grow older. He is a really great person and is a really good Ultimate player which are two of the many things I want to become. Ari is my role model because of the things he has done in the Vancouver Ultimate community and how he has contributed to the sport in BC.

Trevor Wilson:

Trevor Wilson is a Venture Advisor at the 11th Seymour as well as an electrician. I have known Trevor for five years and he has been my scout leader and now Venture advisor. He is an experienced outdoors man who has done the west coast trail as well as many, many years of camping. Trevor is a work to live kind of person, he would much rather be camping or hiking instead of being at work. Which is something I want to be able to do. I don’t want to be that person who lives to work. Trevor also does a fair bit of volunteering with Scouts Canada. He volunteers at many large camps during the year including two that I am volunteering at, Mini Jam and Wolfhowl. Trevor is my role model because he finds time to get away from work and live his life which is something I want to be able to do in the future so I can enjoy the rest of my life and be able to experience the world and what it has to offer.

Daryl Hutchison:

Daryl Hutchison is an architectural consult at Abbarch Architecture. He is also my dad. He is working towards becoming a registered architect. Fathers are very big role models for their children and especially their sons, I am no exception. Due to my dad I have some knowledge of the field he works in and it is a very appealing fallback option for me in the future. We both share a passion for the outdoors and I admire his drive to go hiking every weekend and I usually join him. We are both heavily involved in scouting and because of that I think we both have become better people. My dad volunteers a lot of his time so he can run a section of our group and make scouting a better experience for all. Thanks to my dad I have grown as a person and I respect him and what he does to help our family. He has made sacrifices so we can have a good life and for that I look up to him and fully respect him.

Lloyd Pelton:

Lloyd Pelton is a former government employee and is currently retired and living in Parksville with his wife. Lloyd Pelton is also my Grandpa. My Grandpa is an avid reader and he is very wise in the financial side of life. Due to his financial security I really respect him and his life choices because I know he is a smart person and I want his wisdom in my future financial endeavours. My Grandpa has done some very good financial investments recently and he knows what to look for in his investments and he knows whether or not it is a good one. My entire family consults him whenever they are planning on making an investment. He also is very interested in education. Even after he went to school and university he still took courses and he is still taking courses, at an elder college. I really admire him for that because he is still wanting to learn despite him being done with school, he knows that he hasn’t learned everything he wants to and I want to be able to do the same. My Grandpa is my role model because I want to be financially set like he is and I admire how he got to where he is.

Phillip Sullivan:

Phillip Sullivan is a carpenter as well as a rover from the 11th Seymour. Phil is also a family friend, he is pretty much a lot like Trevor but Phil isn’t a venture advisor he is only a rover. Phillip is able to do work but he also makes time to go camping, hiking, skiing or anything else that you can do in the outdoors. I admire him for that ability and I really want to end up being able to do that when I join the work force. Phil also volunteers at many scouting events, mostly camps. He has not done as many now a days but he still makes an effort to try. I want to be able to volunteer, just like Phil, as a grow older and start working or while I’m going to university/college. I admire Phillips because of his ability to manage work and life, just like Trevor, and I want to be able to do that so I can enjoy the things I like to do, like go camping with Phil, Trevor and the rest of the people I know from scouts.

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