My Future

recently in HCE we have been doing a carrer section.

We first made a timeline with ten milestones we have had in our lifetime. The. We had to have at least five milestones we want to achieve in our future.

My five big things I want to have in the future are; making it to university, have a career I actually enjoy doing, be able to play ultimate professionally, live in a nice place and travel through Europe.


Then after doing that timeline we went to the WorkBC website and we took three tests to determine our interests in the work field as well as what are careers best suit our personality.

After doing those quizzes I realized the area I want to go into. I want to go into the conservation field either with being in the sciences with it or actually being a conservation officer.

After doing those those two activities we had to make a “Fairy Tale” video. The task was to create bit of a story about our future and how we imagine it being. We had to include a bit of an introduction to who we are and then some how segway into our future and what we imagine it being.

I first put together a script and spent about an hour searching for photos on my computer to find good photos of me with my various activities.

It was it was a very quick film and I spent a full night putting it together to make sure I got the script right and did good audio, that’s my main focus nowadays for videos.


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