TPol’s the new SLC’s

Once again it is time for an SLC but this time it is called a TPol or transitional presentation of learning.

The big new thing with a TPol is that we have to almost “sell” why we should move on to the next grade. Now instead of having the work we are most proud of, the work that shows the most growth as a learner and the work that shows a growth mindset, it is a little more open ended. We still have to include how we have grown as a learner but we also have to talk about or work ethic and where we can improve in the classroom. We also have to provide evidence of a teamwork, revision and high quality work that we have produced.


First I really want to talk about my growth this year.

This year the biggest thing that I have worked on is time management. I have definetly gotten better with it and it has allowed me to structure my days and I am able to accurately predict how much time something will take. The two projects that really show this is my blue sky project and my fantasy project.

With my blue sky project as soon as I was approved I got started on it because I know that it was a big project and I didn’t have much time with all of my other activities. Each week I worked very hard to get things done. After three weeks I had my first draft done and for the next two weeks I got my second and third draft done which left me with half a week to prepare my presentation. Compared to last year when I was scrambling for time this project didn’t give me any cause for stress and I was very happy with the end product.

The fantasy project was also a really a really good example of my time management.

When we started to edit the footage and started to put together all of the clips I was very good at making sure I had large chuncks of time, after school and over the weekends, to get the video put together. When I received feedback, it was usually right after school or a couple days after receiving critique, that I got it edited and submitted again.

My work ethic is fairly good. I do have some ups and downs but I really try to get my work done on time and done well. I usually have a lot of motivation to get things done because I get stressed if they are late unless it’s for a really good reason. Having this kind of motivation means that I usually spend almost every day doing work of some kind whether it’s a blog post or editing a video.


Teamwork is a very important thing in my life and I can always improve on it.

Playing team sports has definetly helped me with this particular skill. I have to be able to rely on my teammates to make plays and they rely on me to do the same.

This is easily transferable to a group project every member has to be able to rely on each other to get the work done and at standard or above.

The biggest evidence of teamwork was DI.

I was with Ryan, Tatum and Reid. We did very well. (kind of) When it came down to crunch time to get things done I wouldn’t have any other group. We made time in our lives and made sure that everything got done. That last week before regionals we built all of our props, got a model “built” and made a background. Everyone banded together and got things done. I think that we all realized that we are in this together and we trusted each other to do their part.

Revision is a really big thing in PLP. The whole point of doing our best means doing revisions. Every project has multiple drafts and that of course means revision.

One project with lots of revision or just complete rethinking was the Metaphor Machine.

With the Metaphor machine my group was given the Meiji restoration. We had to research the basic events of what happened and that was where we found some problems. The Wikipedia page wasn’t very good and we couldn’t find any other sources that were completely accurate. We did about two drafts of what we thought was the correct information. It wasn’t until I found this video on YouTube called “The History of Japan” This video gave us a really good summary of events from the restoration and we were able to get the most accurate information.

The Highest Quality work is a very interesting topic for me.

last year in PLP I went all out. I worked my butt off and it definetly showed. This year I have noticed that I have slacked off a little. I have gained a bit of cockiness with my work and I get a little too confident that everything will go smoothly. I have definetly worked on getting back that crazy drive from last year but it hasn’t fully returned.

Despite that, I feel that I still worked really well this year. I have done a variety of projects but I feel that the one I put my heart and soul into was my epistolary story. I have loved to read and I really enjoy writing about things I’m really excited about. With the epistolary story I made mine all about survival and survival skills which I have, pretty much, grown up with. I have been in scouting for ten years and camping is one of my biggest hobbies. Writing the story I was able to draw one these skills and i found that I really enjoyed writing it. I think I did a great job with all of the literary aspects as well as the full background and implementation of a variety of things to do with survival.

I feel that that was my best quality work this year.



Last I want to include a rehash of my goals for the year and whether or not I have accomplished them.


My effort levels:

i found that I have actually put in lots of effort throughout the past units and kept it maintained through the entire thing from start to finish. I use the weekend to recharge a little and then I hit the books again as soon as I get back. I try to work as hard as I possibly can at all times and I think that those effort levels have raised since my last SLC.


Putting my mind onto paper.

I have always struggled with this and my goal was to take any oppritunity I can to practice creative writing as well as doing any school writing, like an essay. Doing the epistolary story really helped with that and I found that I was able to properly translate what I was thinking onto the page. I can still use some work on it and i think I always will but I must say it has become less of an issue for me.


Getting into the habit of studying before tests

This is the one goal that has not improved for me. The night before a test I usually feel that I know what I’m doing and I know what I need to know. This is somewhat true. I tend to study for lots of french tests but for math and science I don’t or I do very hasn’t fully affected my marks just yet but I definetly plan on following this goal and I’m going to need to, to be successful in the future.

Finally, why should I be allowed to go to Grade 10?


I feel that I have learned a lot this year. Both about myself and all of the school subjects. I have grown as a person and I have grown as a learner. I have matured greatly over the last year and I feel accomplished with what I have done. From a Grade 8’s perspective Grade 9 is a challenge. I have faced that challenge, successfully. Now I’m ready to move to the next.

Grade 10!

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