Battlefield of Heroes

Here is my recommended song for this post.

So so on top of all the other projects we have done in the last term we have also been finishing up a math unit. We have been doing a unit all about polynomials. So we of course had a project at the end. This project was all about algebra tiles. We had to come up with a game that used algebra tiles in some way.

I partnered up with Robbie and we decided to create a card game similair to Magic the Gathering or Hearthstone. We have played those games together before and we like to think we are pretty good at them.


Since I ce it was math oriented we created a system where the attack or defense of a card is defined by an algebraic expression and the variables are then listed on your hero card.

Now we did put together a list of instructions so take a look down below.

Battlefield of Heroes Rule Book-23ananb

After writing out some instructions we set to work creating the cards. We set up an assembly line where I would gather images, make names and write expressions. Robbie would then use a pre-determined template on Canva to then create the card image. We spent most of our classes doing that. When we were finally done with around 84 cards. We printed them out and attached them to card stock.


The basic rules for the project was that we had to include perfect squares, expanding and factoring in the algebraic expressions. We also had to make sure those were shown through algebra tiles. So since our cards didn’t count as tiles I put some together and we used them to present our game. We did a live class explaination and walk through.

Overall I think we did really well with the project. I definetly enjoyed it and I think Robbie did too. I did learn a fair bit about algebra as well. I am proud of what I accomplished during this unit.

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