Superhero blog post

Lately in science we have been doing a chemistry unit. Throughout the unit we have been working on a project called the superhero project.

The superhero project is a group project where the objective is to create a superhero with their super powers based off of an element. Our group chose bromine as our element. The upside of using bromine is that our superhero will be able to fly and burn anyone by touch. He also has to wear iron armour to contain the heat because iron is known to contain bromine and reduce the heat it expels.


Our group is doing all right we finished really quickly at the beginning of the project but then we slowly  went down in productivity but I think now we are going to come back and finish what needs to get done in pretty good time.

We started out by making our team name and logo.


Next we made a poster about the periodic table that included two elements with information about them like the atomic number and chemical properties.


Now we are working on making an atom for our element but we aren’t finished yet.

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