DI Numéro Deux

Last week-end was DI provincials.

My team, coming back from regionals, re-did everything. We chose a new topic and we re-hashed our entire fable.

Pour new problem was the lip on the infield of one of the Mount Seymour Little League’s field. Our solution to that problem was to create a video explaining how do to field prep. The goal of the video is for parents doing the field prep to know how to actually do it. After a while of proper field prep hopefully the lip will start to go down.

The lip has caused many bad bounces and has resulted in injuries for the players. If we can reduce the lip, we can reduce the amount of injuries.

We talked with MSLL and gave them the video file which they have uploaded to YouTube and are currently using it to teach their volunteers.

Now since we re-did the service project we had to re-do the fable. This fable was about a young cub named Chris who, at a practice, received a black eye and a concussion due to a bad bounce. Chris’s dad, Bruce the bear, decided to make a field prep presentation to help teach the parents how to do the field prep properly and lower the lip. Bruce also talked to the organizations president to get his opinion on the video. The president liked the video and made sure that Bruce shared it with the parents. After some time where the fields have been properly maintained and Chris has recovered from his injury, Chris finally gets to play.

Our group spent a lot of time getting the service project done and a lot less preparing for the fable. This definitely showed through at the tournament.

When we we presented I messed up my lines at least three times and it just wasn’t the best presentation overall. That definitely showed in our final raw score. Out of 250 we got 56. What’s funny is we still got first place.

This time around I had less stress, up until the day of the tournament but when we finished presenting the nervousness had gone away.

Our instant challenge went alright. We came up with our solution quickly and we worked really well as a team but our solution didn’t actually work.

All in all I still think we did well on the project just not the best on our presentation.

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