Making Fantasy Real

It’s finally over!!

So, you know how we went down to Florida and we had to do a video on how we are drawn to imaginary worlds. Well after months of working on multiple drafts we are all finally done. I have done a total of six drafts each with major improvements, except for the last draft.


We each had to pick a ride in Disneyworld that we would do our video on. Mine was The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. We had to research about the ride, its creation process and how the ride works. Then we went down to Florida to film and get “interviews.”(Of course I didn’t actually get legitimate interviews but that’s for later) the purpose of the project was to explore how we are drawn to imaginary worlds.

After doing a ton of research about te creation of the ride and the origins of Winnie the Pooh I put together a storyboard and went down to Florida. I spent most of the day at The Magic Kingdom filming either my video or helping Ryan with his. Sadly I didn’t get any interviews with people other than my classmates and I wasn’t able to get the footage I took of the ride with the GoPro. Luckily I did get a bunch of photos of the ride.

When we got back I put together my first draft:

In my mind first drafts are getting the rough work done. Like amassing all of the images and getting a full script together that you can base off of for the next drafts. I also use it as base of what needs to be enhanced or changed and get across the overall styl/theme of the video.

After getting critique I set about doing the second draft.

My main changes to be made was to have an interview of someone not in PLP, so I made the mistake of getting my sister to do it but I had to have an interview. I also re-did the audio and made sure I got the key points across.

After getting more critique I put together a third draft. This time though I took out all thoughts of an interview and instead I decided to put in some scenes from various Winnie The Pooh films to break up the video. I also re-did the audio because it sounded a bit like I was just listing facts. I also added more of an intro.

After submitting that that one I immediately thought about the film segments and I didn’t want them all clumped up so I took one and but it near the start.

I then got more critique back and the main things were to give an introduction to the actual topic, redo the audio and make it more lively, edit the film scenes because they were too long. So, I put that together and submitted it.

Then I was told that my grammar was off for the opening slide so I quickly corrected that and submitted the final draft.

I learned a lot with this project. I enhanced my video editing skills and I really worked hard on my audio skills and having expression in my voice when I do audio recordings. I also learned that you can never have too much footage and photos. Take as much as you think you need and then double it. After many stressful nights and hours spent on the floor of my room recording tons of audio and editing my video, I am very happy to be done this project but also kinda sad because that means I’m done doing all of my Florida work and it almost feels like I’m cutting ties to the trip and what I did done there.

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