Why Did We Have To Do So Many Sheets!?!?

A couple of weeks ago we started to create the civilization that our myth was to relate to. My groups civilization was called the Auxiliums. It was taken from the Latin word for help, which is what they do. They are a secret, advanced civilization that helps protect the world from harm.

Our first planing sheet was all about establishing our nation. What were their beliefs and what did they value and everything like that.

I found that with our group we really worked together well and everyone contributed to planing all of this. I also think that we did face an issue in particular, for about two weeks there was never a day when one person in our group was away. That made very challenging to include everyone when we were discussing very important things. We did end up face timing a couple of times just to include everyone in the conversation.

Theese next documents were a template for creating our myth of how the civilization was created. We started off with finding a name for our hero. Just like the name for our civilization it came from a Latin word, this one though is “warrior” in Latin. So his name was Bellator. We then told the story of two waring nations and how Bellator wanted to stop the loss of lives and ended up killing the king of the opposing side. When he returned to his nation he decided to make a secret civilization that would help to prevent humans from killing themselves.

When we finished with that we made our storyboard of how the tale goes. This took about three maybe four class blocks to complete. It was really quite brutal and everyone was tired of editing this one measly page that when we were done everyone was very, very happy.


Of course, there was another sheet. This one we had to draft our individual quilt squares and explain how they related to the story and what we would put on it when started to sew. Luckily that page didn’t take long to complete.

By the end of all this my group knew the myth by the back of thier hand. I think that as a group we worked really well together and we all were committed to trying to make this a very successful project.

Now it’s off to sewing. Great 🙁


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