I HATE NEEDLES!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I have finally finished my amazing quilt square and man it looks pretty darn good. At first when I started to design the square ,on an app called paper, I used a lot of very vibrant colors that just didn’t go together.



Then as a group we decided to make our backgrounds more settle and used a very deep purple. Then with that color in mind I used a combination of different tones of yellow and it really worked out. The color tone was really good and it also kinda made the story of my square better in a way. I also added an oval around the interior oval to represent the world.


After getting it critiqued I changed the sword and crown to match with the rest of my group.


You are probably wondering what I’m talking about with the world and everything well let me tell you the story of my quilt square.

After Bellator returns from killing the Shoewee King he decides to create a nation that will prevent humanity from killing themselves off.

The sword represents Bellator because Bellator is Latin for warrior. And the crown represents leading a nation of which people who wear them do. The inner circle represents the nation that Bellator founded and the outer circle represents the world.

Now for making the quilt square.
After we printed out the actual design we got to pick the color of or back. My group picked a light blue design for it. After that we had to pin the front, the badding and the back all together for us to sew. Then we started to sew.

I decided to start with the border around the square.Unfortunately my sewing wasn’t very strong and the stitches became very loose. So, I had to redo the entire border. After I finished that I went over to Parksville to consult the quilting God (my grandma.) She taught me how to do a quilting stitch where you thread the needle three or four times without pulling it through then after that you pull the needle through. I also got some thread that match the colors on the quilt.




I also did work on it during the ferry ride back.


After returning home I sewed the rest. I did the sword, crown and ovals and finally I finished it. After so many pin pricks and days of siting in front of TV poking myself every time I look up, it’s finally done!!!!!!!!!!!


To look at the rest of the story and the other quilt squares check out these blogs.

Block #3 http://www.blog44.ca/clairet/

Block #2 http://www.blog44.ca/samuels/

Block #1 http://www.blog44.ca/spencerl/

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