Game Of Exponent Laws Project Reflection




Hi! It’s Alex, back with another post for you to enjoy! It’s been quite a while but we are back from summer break and ready to do another project reflection! So, let’s get right on to the project! This project was about making a card game that had to include exponent laws. 

  1. Dice Game Rules

The first step in our project was that we had to create three games, adding something different every time. One with only 1 dice, one with 2 dice and one with 2 dice and hole punch paper bits. Here was how mine turned out. 

I think that this activity was pretty successful, my group and I got along and worked together very well. We also were able to think of some awesome, easy games pretty quickly. 

2. Learning about exponents + Kahoot games

Next, we learned about the exponent laws, doing a bunch of lessons on them.


I knew that I understood exponents pretty well and got most of them right when doing a lesson in class. But, when it came to Kahoots where there was a lot of pressure to come up with the answer right away, I panicked and couldn’t really think straight which really messed me up. 

3. Game Rules Draft 1

Next, we created our actual game rules which is mainly the focus of this project; that they make enough sense for some one to understand, that it explains the point of the game and of course, the exponents. My partner for this project was Anthony.


Here was the feedback we got from Mr. Gross:

4. Games Rules draft 2 + cards

Next, we revised our game rules and finished creating our cards. Here they are:

This time, we got feed back from our classmates. They liked how our rules were easy to understand and they loved the structure of the game but, they got confused on the layout of the game and how it’s supposed to look like. 

5. Final Game Evaluation 

Next, we invited another grade 9 class to come and try out our games. Most of them adapted pretty quickly to how the game works and loved how it was super simple and super fun to play. It was a little bit of a challenge though because the people in the class hadn’t learned about exponents yet, but, it was fine because it was easy to teach them.


In conclusion, I really enjoyed this project and it was really fun to create a game since I have never done that type of project before! I also worked really well with my partner; we were really good with coming up with ideas for our game. In fact, we had way too many ideas! At the beginning, we knew that we wanted to make a game that had something to do with “life” so, it ended up as “Life Lottery”.

Bye and I’ll see you in my next blog post!

– Fergie

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