Category: Student blogging challenge

Week 8 – Time To Reflect


Hey y’all and welcome back to another blog post! Today, I am talking about the last and final week of the Student Blogging Challenge! This week, is more of a reflection on our experience of this year and maybe past years of doing the SBC and our blogging plans for the future!

Here are all the weeks of challenges that I’ve participated in, including last year:


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

During the course of this year’s blog challenge, I had 22 comments from people on my blog, my most popular was my most recent one, week 7. 

My plans for blogging in the future, well, I’m pretty sure that this may be my last year of the Student Blogging Challenge (or it might be last year, I’m not sure), but, I am always posting blog posts about project reflections that had recently been completed. I’d like to start posting more things when I have time for fun such as trips or events. 

Throughout the challenge, I have connected the most with the following people: 

Mrs Rombach 


Norah (I can’t locate your website for some reason, if you see this, please comment it down bellow so I can add it as soon as possible)

To conclude, I have had lots of fun with this year’s blogging challenge and enjoyed getting to connect with people from all around them world! 

Holidays and Celebrations!

Hi y’all and welcome back to another blog post! I should probably think of a more creative intro like my friend Ally over here (go visit her blog by the way), buuuutt, I haven’t….yet. Anyways, this week, we are talking about Holidays…and celebrations which you may or may not already know. We had several tasks to choose from and I wasn’t too sure what to do at first, but then I decided to talk about what holidays my family and I celebrate and include some pictures of our favourite traditions… and there may be me making a Christmas craft in there too. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Now, my family isn’t too big on decorations and all that stuff for most holidays, the only one that we go basically all out on is Christmas. For others, we just don’t have enough for or we just forget in general, well, maybe Halloween a little bit, but that’s it.

For Christmas, we also have a few traditions that we have done the past few years or even every year. There’s only really a few though.

One of our main traditions from the past couple years, has been to go visit this place called “Van dussen Gardens”. It is beautiful over there, they have these beautiful light displays all over this park, it’s so big, that it actually takes about an hour to get through everything. Here is what one part looked like last year:

Another tradition that we do is our Christmas stockings, we all have these huge Christmas stockings and stock each other’s every year, a ton.

On Christmas Day, every year for as long as I can remember, we always went to my Aunt and Uncle’s place for dinner. Sometimes, my cousins and their parents joined them as well.

Then, the next day, on Boxing Day, we always have a huge dinner with the entire fam. My cousins are all in their 20’s or 30’s so, the closest cousin I have to my age is eight years old…but it’s great to see all of my little second cousins since they all live in New Westminster and Langley.

Now, for my Christmas craft, I really enjoyed how it turned out. I saw this craft on a website and decided to try it out. You fold a magazine in a certain way then fold them in to make a Christmas tree looking thing. It’s pretty cool!


Emojis! 🥳🙈🍿

Hello and welcome back to another blog post! This week is all about emojis! We also had lots of tasks to do this week.

1. Emoji Story Prompt:

The first one was to do a story prompt (I used, here is mine:


Once there was a cat, he ate a cup cake which made him not able to trespass on a movie set so, he had a shower and then he met up with his friend.

2. Emoji Math

⚽️ + ⚽️ = 10

🏀 +⚽️ = 105

🎾 + 🏀 x ⚽️ = 504

3. Emoji Art


Hi it’s Alex and welcome back to my blog! This week is week 5 of the Student Blogging Challenge where we are talking about Music! For this week we had several choices of prompts of what we could do for this week, I chose to do a video that people have to guess the artist, song or instrument so, here it is.

I really enjoyed making this and hoped you enjoyed doing it!

See you in my next blog post!

SBC-Week 4

Hello! And welcome back to my blog! This week, we can talk about whatever we want. Last year, for our free choice, I talked about my soccer story (click here to see it) but, this year I had trouble coming up with what to talk about. Eventually, decided that I wanted to talk about traveling. 

I love travelling and am very fortunate to have traveled a lot. My most recent trip that I did was in July to Italy so, in this post I’m going to talk about where I went there. This summer, after the trip, I started on making a film that summarized what I did in Italy. 

Day 1 & 2: 

Day 3:

Day 4: 


Day 5:

To make it more clear, my dad was doing a 7 day bike race where we met up with him in Riva Del Guarda. He just finished it then with his partner, Neil.

Day 6:

Day 7:

Day 8:

Day 9:

Now, that’s all the videos that I completed during the summer.

This day, we arrived in Volterra and put our stuff in our super cool hotel to go visit San Gimignano, a beautiful place not too far away from Volterra. We went on top of some towers that they used for war while they were fighting San Gimignano and saw a nice duomo. Then, we went back to Volterra and had an amazing dinner. And since it was July 4th that day, there were some Americans playing some loud music outside. The place we were staying at also had a super cool cafe on the roof where we hung out at after dinner.

Day 10:

I actually didn’t have many photos from this day because it was mostly all driving. We left Volterra and drove to Sienna. The place that we were staying at was beautiful and even had a pool.


Day 11:

This day, we went to another beautiful duomo in Sienna and explored some other educational buildings. We also had dinner at this super cool restaurant that was on the street curb.

Day 12:

This day, I also didn’t have very many photos of this day either. But, this day, my family and I went to drive to San Marino to meet up with my soccer team to do a super cool tournament called the San Marino Cup, with soccer teams from all around the world!

Day 13:

This day, we had our first game vs an Italian team! We ended up winning and I actually got a hat-trick! We also got the chance to go around and buy some stuff at a sort of outdoor mall with lots of cool little stores. That night, we had the opening ceremony, it held place at a stadium and they called up each country one by one in alphabetical order. We were actually the only people to represent canada. Our coach bought canada shirts, hats, tattoos and even beach balls so that when they finished the ceremony, we threw the balls up in the air and the other teams were playing with them. We also met a soccer team from Bulgaria of 8, 9 and 10 year olds who were super friendly.


Day 14:

Today we had two games, one vs another Italy team and another vs a USA team. We tied one and lost the other by one point. So this was a busy day so I only have a few pictures as well. 

Day 15:

Today we had a game in the morning then we went to a special restaurant that taught how to make a special San Marino bread. Next we went back to that shopping place then we went back to our hotel.

Day 16:

Today we had a soccer game against a team from Ireland and sadly lost. Next, we had lunch at a super cool restaurant and then went to the beach.

Day 17:

This day, we had a “disco” with all of the teams invited to go dance while the parents had a wine tour.

I sadly did not have any pictures of this day either.

Day 18:

For our last day in Italy(for most of us), we went to a huge water park called Aquafan. It had all sorts of slides and stuff and was super fun!



See you in my next blog post! Hope you enjoyed it 🙂

SBC-Week 3

Hello all and welcome to another blog post! This week, we are talking about images; how do we use them? Can’t we just use them on google and take credit for them? No, of course not! Those images belong to people and you could get in some serious trouble for using them. The protection against the people’s images is called “copyright”, this is the same for videos, music and more! Although, this doesn’t make all images copyrighted, you can easily find some non copyrighted images on websites such as,, or If you need an image, you can also make your own, purchase an image, use google images (but be careful, because most are copyrighted) or you can use Creative Commons images. 

Task 1:

Our first task was to create something that would educate others about using the right images. Here is mine:

Task 2:

Next we had to create or take a photo. This photo was from when I went to Italy last summer.


Task 3:

Next we had to create task cards, here are some of my favourite things.

Task 4:

For our last task, we did picture prompts. Try to guess the sentence by these images. If you think you know what it is, please comment bellow.

See you in my next blog post!

SBC-Week 2

Hi it’s Alex, back with another blog post. This week, we did week 2 for the Student Blogging Challenge.

The first task we had this week was to create some form of commenting guidelines, click here to see mine from last year.

Next, I commented on three peoples blogs:

First, I commented on Dominic’s blog. I decided to comment on his blog because how found it super interesting how he was super passionate about music and that he could maybe become a musician one day.

Next, I commented on Grace’s blog. She is from …. talked about how she loved basketball and wanted to maybe become a vet one day,  just like me! I commented on her blog because I thought that we had lots in common already!

Next I commented on Niamh’s blog. She talked about her love for Basketball and the band Queen. She also mentioned that she was in 6th grade and going into secondary school the next year. I decided to comment on her blog to talk about what we have in common and that we went to secondary school after grade seven.


See you in my next blog post!


Week 10: Reflection!

Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog! Sadly, this week is the last week of the Student Blogging Challenge. 

I quite enjoyed the Student Blogging Challenge, it was quite fun to do. Each week was also a very different yet interesting topic which I enjoyed writing about the tasks, what I learned, how I felt, etc. 

Week 7 would have to be my favourite because, we could write about whatever we wanted! Since I wrote about my favourite sport, soccer, I really enjoyed writing about something that I love and have a passion for. 

I will certainly be posting still ever though the SBC is over and I really hope that the people of STUBC decide to do this next year as well! 

That’s all for now!


Week 9: Coding!

Hi and welcome back to my blog! For this week, the theme is…coding! I am not that experienced with coding, at all. I think that it’s pretty cool that there are many different “languages” of coding such as Java, or HTML but, still, I suck at it, no joke. 

The people of SBC introduced me to someone who is very good at coding in fact, he is partially blind as well, then, we got to leave him a comment. (Fun Fact: Alex, the person that is very experienced with coding, also has the same first name as me.) Then, they wanted us to comment on his blog. Here is the comment that I left him: 

The people of SBC also told us to use this website called Hour Of Code, to practice our coding skills (which I don’t have). I decided to do the Minecraft one. There was also four different tutorials to choose from, and I tried the newest one,  Minecraft voyage aquatic. 


This coding experience was a lot more fun than I thought, it was very interesting to try to move the character without controls, but with… code! First, there was 10 different “lessons” that we had to pass, and if you passed those, you can make them do whatever they want. 

That’s all for now!
