Tagged: Term 1

It’s Time To Reflect! Term 1

Hi y’all and welcome back to another blog post. Since term one is ending, today, I will be talking about and reflecting on all of the videos that I had done this term. So, let’s get right into it!

4 Shot Film

Empowered Learner:  I have leveraged technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in my learning goals 

For this video, being the first video that we had made this year, I think that we did a pretty good job. The video quality of when Ms Maxwell was walking up could have been better if it wasn’t blurred up and the music at the end. Although this video may not have been perfect, I think that I was really surprised as to how it turned out with the angles, shots, organization and roles and it has definitely started this year full of videos off strong. Which is why, I think that my group and I had leveraged technologies and have taken an active role in achieving and demonstrating our learning goals. 

Ghost Town Film

Knowledge Constructor: I can critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts, and make meaningful experiences for myself and others 

Similar to what I had said in my Alberta Reflection Post, this video did turn out pretty well, minus, the communication on who was bringing a cowboy hat and not using “landscape” during the whole course of filming. But we did all cooperate very well together. The editing was all done in iMovie but the writing at the beginning was done by Jude. If I had time (and wifi) at that time, I would’ve made my own music for the video. But I definitely learned some new things in the process of planning, filming and editing.

Drumheller Documentary

Creative Communicator: I communicated clearly and expressed myself creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats, and digital media appropriate to my goals. 

Just like what I said in my Alberta Reflection Post, since this was a surprise task, we had very little time to plan, film and edit our videos. But, during this video, I did not waste any time and persisted well. I definitely had some troubles with the audio at times but in reality, I think that that was the only real flaw other than maybe trying to communicate more information about the artifact. For this task, we could only use Clips, an apple application. I thought that this was great because I got to learn a little more about this app and plus, it took less time to edit. But, I wasn’t fully comfortable with it because I hadn’t used it very much in the past. 

Alberta People Video

Innovative Designer: I used a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful, or imaginative solutions 

As you could probably see in my This Land Is Us Project Reflection Post, my original and final video were very different and you could see a huge improvement between the two. I always made sure to be having a good eye for things when filming my video. I had planned all the questions that I was asking people in the course of the video but they had changed a little bit during the trip because I had began to be more specific with what type of content I wanted in my video. I rotated between my phone and iPad everyday because one of them on its own could not last the whole day. 

“Run” Remake Video

Computational Thinker: I developed and employed strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions 

I think that the original and final video had a huge difference, not to mention, the video quality was so much better. For the original video, where Finn and Brenton made the horror music. I had made the horror music for the last one. The thing that sucked for me though, was that I had no idea how to make horror music from scratch. Luckily, I had searched up many, many tutorials that didn’t make much sense and most were not from this update, that eventually ended up with the music that you hear in the final video. It wasn’t too good but definitely pretty god considering I had no idea what I was doing.


French Revolution Heritage Minute Video

Knowledge Constructor: I can critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce creative artifacts, and make meaningful experiences for myself and others 

This video, being our first of many revolution videos, wasn’t all that bad. Just like I said in my Revolution Post, the video quality and editing was good but, we could have perhaps filled in some missing information for some things that happened in between the events that were described and talked about in the video. My group persisted and worked together very well in the making of this video which really started our revolution project off strong. We only really used iMovie and maybe GarageBand for some music. I definitely think that we could’ve gotten some better shots for the last event but still, it was really good. 

American Revolution Rap Video

Innovative Designer: I used a variety of technologies within a design process to identify and solve problems by creating new, useful, or imaginative solutions 

In this video, we definitely used quite a variety of apps to get this video together and this definitely took the longest time to film and edit. We used GarageBand, iMovie, Pages (a lot, for the lyrics), voice memos and many of our devices to film. This video was the hardest to manage out of all of them because it took the most time and planning but it was definitely worth it. We had some problems to overcome such as, using our time well and not practicing the lines enough. 

Russian Revolution John Green Video

Computational Thinker: I developed and employed strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions 

When it came to this video, we had amazing communication an planning with our props, backdrop and lines. The thing was, there was a problem about WHERE we would be filming. During the block that we had to film it, we had to move our set around because there were some communication issues with the people who originally allowed us to film there. Still, the video turned out great and I think that this may have been one of our best. 

Final French Revolution John Green and Animation Video

Empowered Learner:  I have leveraged technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving, and demonstrating competency in my learning goals 

This final video, certainly did put all of our best skills from the other revolution videos into one. It may have been a little too long, but I think it was fine. Since our last video didn’t have enough information, we wanted to get more in there but we ended up with a little too much. For the last video, we were certain to as to what we wanted to do and how we were going to do it and definitely achieved those goals. 

Take Your Kid To Work Day Video

Creative Communicator: I communicated clearly and expressed myself creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles, formats, and digital media appropriate to my goals. 

Even though, I had some extreme technical issues with losing all of my interviews and other media that I had taken that day, it all worked out. I went back there and re-filmed all of my b-roll and shots but didn’t get to re-film the interview with my mom. I still liked the different angles that I took, how synced it was with the music and my creativity with the different transitions and editing details in iMovie. I had a plan of how I wanted my video to look like but I thought of an even better way to put it all together.

To conclude, I have really enjoyed creating all of these videos. Even though, it may take more time with the screenplays, the storyboards, the call sheets, the filming, editing and publishing, it was definitely worth it. Plus, I can look back at all of those videos when I’m older! I am super looking forward to continuing making these videos and maybe, by the end of this year, to be a master video maker!