Alright so welcome to my very first mpol blog. For this post, I’m going to go through a simple formula where I will talk about all the projects I’ve done in a subject and then talk about a challenge I had with the project and something I liked about it. Hope you enjoy.
This has been the class I’ve think that I’ve experienced the most challenges for this year, due to some problems I’ll address in my PGP section.
The first major project we did in first term was our identity videos where we studied how the land around us impacted our identity, we used our video skills learned in our maker class to complete this video, I think I did an O.K job for my first major project but the biggest problem I believe I had was that I had too big of ideas and I didn’t really have the resources/time to accomplish said ideas this was due to me not giving myself enough time to complete
Our second major project was metaphor machines this was also part of our science grade. This was my first major group project and it was a lot of fun, we studied the Russian revolution and we built a Rube Goldberg machine to metaphorically represent the revolution, the thing I liked about this project the most was the hands on factor for building the machine, the biggest challenge was definitely staying on task here, the spray painting we did was a big distraction for me nevertheless I count this project as a success but there was still room to improve.
The third major project (I’m using the word major too much aren’t I?) was our chemical exhibition the task for the exhibition was to create an immersive experience for our chemical stories, I think my group and I did a great job setting the mood with lighting and audio inside of our room, the only I think we could have done better was bringing/making some more props. This was probably the most fun project I’ve taken part of yet, I’m actually really exited to see what we’re doing for our next exhibition.
The current project I am working on for term 2 is my William Lyon Mackenzie animation, this is definitely the project I’ve been doing the worst on so far even though we are still in the middle of it, I had some trouble choosing a historical figure to study and Ms. Maxwell had to end up choosing one for me, despite all this I think William Lyon Mackenzie is a cool dude and I hope I can recover this project and pull through with something I can be proud of.
Overall, humanities has been O.K for me so far but right now my performance looks like a stock market graph of an unreliable company, it’s all over the place, and I need to try to make myself a little bit more consistant when it comes to work.
So far in maker we’ve actually only had 3 projects that were exclusively for this class. We’ve mostly have been learning a lot of skills that we can apply to our other subjects such as using IMovie for video creating and we did some story telling work in it earlier this year as well.
The blogging challenge:
The student blogging challenge was quite simply put, a challenge, it was fun for the most part but I easily forgot about it and thus got caught behind in it, there wasn’t much to be proud of for this but it’s something I can learn from so I will.
Take your kid to work day:
The take your kid to work day was kind of unplanned, originally I was supposed to go to moms workplace in new-west but sadly I couldn’t and I stayed home with my dad (he works from home) I already knew what he did before that day and I had a basic knowledge of his job, but I got to see how he did it on take your kid to work day which was pretty cool.
My video was mediocre, personally I thought my editing was rushed and overall the video could have been a bit more polished, nevertheless I got some new knowledge out of this assignment so I’m happy.
Destination Imagination: This is our current big project and so far it looks really cool, I honestly don’t really know why a lot of my other peers seem to dread it so much, it definitely does seem like a hard challenge but its something I’d like to take from a positive angle, and I guess we will see how it turns out in due time
In scimathics this year we’ve mostly done science with electrical circuits and chemistry. We used the skills we learned in our circuits unit in our metaphor machines project as mention earlier. We got to melt some metal, it was pretty fun!
For chemistry our major project was our chemical stories video and later, exhibition. I really loved the chemistry unit and I think I did a fairly good job! I really loved chemistry because it was lot like math but I found it a little more challenging + explosions. This unit was especially cool because I got my first Kahoot! win of the year. All jokes aside I thought this was my most successful unit so far as I mentioned earlier I think my exhibition room was done well, and my video that I made with Emerson was pretty good regardless of our, frankly, terrible art skills.
Currently we are doing exponents I brushed over exponents last year, the only new thing is negative exponents which are pretty cool. Right now we are making card games that incorporate exponent laws and I think I’m doing O.K but I’d like to find a way to make my game a little bit more playable.
Overall schematics are cool.
PGP is the new addition to PLP this year and it’s unlike any school thing I’ve taken part of, I actually really like PGP I think self-improvement which is actually what I came to PLP. Being self aware of my learning challenges is one of my strengths, the flip side of that is although I know what my problems are (e.g time management, time management, and time management) I don’t really do a good job on solving them so I think PGP will help me with that.
So far in PGP were doing goal books which I haven’t really kept up with, at all. But I think after the stress from this mpol has calmed down I should be able to tackle it. We also had meetings to check in with our learning but I sadly missed it due to my own lack of competence, there was no excuse for missing that and for any teacher reading this, I’m sorry I quite simply forgot.
Half A Year in Review
As a learner I think that I have identified my biggest problems. The first being time management of course, it almost seems to be a cliche for me and other students in PLP I’ve been trying to improve myself for over a year on this now, but I haven’t really been doing, that’s actually a lie, I have been doing better but only half of the time it seems (probably less) I need to find a way to make myself more consistent when it comes to showing my learning. The other problem is me focusing too much on the end product too much, as a whole I’ve handed a lot of worksheets and small assignments in late which is unacceptable on my part and I need to stop trying to clear the staircase in one jump. On the other hand PLP has been a good challenge the teachers and other students are great, the projects are unique and fun, and I want to keep on doing my best here as I think myself into the future.
As always, thanks for reading and have a great rest of your day/evening.
Nice post for your first time. 🤠