How It Started/How It’s Going…A Summative Blog Post

Throughout these past weeks I’ve been working on a project called ‘how it started/how it’s going’. This has been an important learning experience because it has showed me how to gain knowledge. The end goal of this project was to make a virtual museum to showcase our art. The virtual museum has been presented to the whole world (like this blog post). There was lots of work put into making the virtual museum and art, such as many milestones and stepping stones (during this blog post I will only be explaining four out of the six milestones).  Another way we gained knowledge was by demonstrating how to complete a curricular competency. The three curricular competency for this project were: 

  1. Empowered Learner
  2. Responding to Text 
  3. Establish Historical Significance 

These learning checkpoints were made to support how to answer the driving question, “What can we learn from the past, and why does that matter to us today?”.

To start this project I came in counter with the first milestone called ‘My how it started/how it’s going museum exhibition’. In this milestone I made an exhibit to showcase a meme that I made. This meme showed how I was at the start of my PLP learning journey and what I’ve become from that moment. I showed my demonstration of the meme by making a connection with a source of medium and intertwine it with the world around me. To make that happen I needed to show a source of evidence to explain what I was trying to accomplish. The evidence that I showed was through symbols in the art. To showcase the meme about me I made an art exhibit. This exhibit was a design to give an effect off of the main source of medium, which in my case was the meme. The overall goal of the exhibit was to accent on the art and to creatively construct knowledge using technology (which is basically one of the curricular competencies in this project). I executed this goal is by demonstrating a complete understanding of how to actually produce my knowledge. The way I executed this goal is by building an exhibit with different techniques that fed off of the making of my meme.

To move on to the next milestone I had to come in contact with multiple stepping stones. Stepping stones are smaller pieces of knowledge that help you understand how you are going to complete an overall idea. The stepping stone that I would like to acknowledge is called ‘my worldview brainstorm’. This brainstorm was brought into a mind map to show connecting aspects of my world view. I didn’t know what worldview was until I thought deeper with this mind map. The achievement purpose of this mind map is to gain knowledge about what worldview is and how worldview connects to an individual. I really felt that I realized that worldview is a point of view that is seen throughout a certain individual. I realized that my worldview is based off of a certain seven aspects, of worldview. The seven aspects of worldview are society, beliefs, values, knowledge, geography, time, and economy. These seven aspects of worldview are the foundation of what my mind map was all about.My worldview

From the knowledge that I’ve gained about worldview I was ready to move onto milestone two ‘my worldview collage’. This milestone was all about demonstrating the same goal as milestone one (in my case a goal is also referred to as a curricular competency). The main point of this milestone was to understand my worldview and apply that in a story told by images. I feel like I showcased my worldview through my collage because I gave supporting evidence to my images. The supporting statement that I showed was a story mountain to explain how and why I decided to chose certain photos to represent my worldview. I learned how to have a set story and how to represent a story in images. This skill is a foundation of what the final product of the overall point of the project is. Once I finished my college I got some peer critique that happened to improve it. This change my collage to make it an atheistically pleasing piece of art to display a story about my worldview. Once everyone in my class finished their college we put it into one book…

The next milestone the I would like to give information on is milestone three, ‘a history test’. This historical test that I did toke quite a lot of work to make it happen. To gain the knowledge about what information that I needed for the test I had to take many notes. The notes that I toke were called ‘Cornell Notes’. Cornell Notes are a form of note taking that help you understand what your notes are all about. I toke many notes, these notes really helped me find information that would help me relate to past events and relate them to my worldview. The content I had in my notes were facts about the renaissance and medieval era. Once I completed my Cornell Notes I was ready to move onto the history test. The intention of this test was to answer one main question, “what historical significant events helped develop our worldview?”. The point of this history test was to establish historical significance (this is a curricular competency). To establish historical significance I had to take events from the past and explain why they connect to my worldview today, I did this by explaining feudalism and how it connects to the foundation of my worldview. To properly explain how feudalism connects to my worldview I had to give a modern day representation of how it is shown in today’s society. By explaining this I got a bigger sense of what I was learning and how I could apply that into future learning experiences.

The last milestone that I would like to share is milestone five called ‘How It Started/How It’s Going Art Piece and Art Statement’. In this milestone I had to make a meme that showed a portrait of someone from the past on the left side of the overall piece of art. There was then the same picture but altered to represent my worldview. I altered the original piece of art to display how past events evolve to make my worldview. To alter the art I had to find out ways to constructively use technology (a curricular competency) to make a meaningful and symbolic source of knowledge (you can find my meme at the top of the post).
 When I completed my meme I made an artist statement. When I was writing the artist statement I kept in mind that the purpose for it was to make an argument about what I feel represents my worldview. The reason why I knew how to write an argumentative statement is because from write the historical test, milestone three, I gain skill on how to improve my writing. Within this artist statement I wanted to explain why I chose certain art piece and how it connects it to my worldview. The way I completed this was by covering aspects of multiple circular competencies. I established historical significance within my artist statement because I was establishing the thought of how I past events of actions of individuals relate to my understanding of my worldview. I also responded to text by having a connection with myself and the text I presented in my statement. I feel like I gain lots of knowledge about how to represent my worldview in a statement.

After I completed the fifth milestone I moved on to presenting the finished virtual museum. This virtual museum was brought together by teams of individuals. Everyone in the class was spilt up in groups based on a certain aspect of worldview. I was in a group followed by the aspect of society. I wanted to mention this because without our team work the virtual museum wouldn’t be possible.

Once the virtual museum was presented I felt like I gain lots of learning experience to know how to answer the driving question “What can we learn from the past, and why does that matter to us today?”. The answer that I have came to a conclusion with is that everything we learn from the past leads us to our decisions today. This is true because without past events we couldn’t evolve to decide anything in our current day. The main ideas we can learn from the past are the actual facts, such as historical feuds between individuals, that shape our overall society. That’s why I think we can learn from past events and they can decide our decision of our current day.

That concludes my expression of my learning throughout this project. I hope you enjoyed my summative blog post. 

How would you describe your worldview?

-Alicia 😁

Special thanks to my teammates…









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