Hello world,
I’m writing this blog post in great summer spirt! Actually to be honest I’m just trying to entertain myself, so I don’t get outrageously bored. Anyways… this post is basically just an update on how my summer is going. Which brings me to this past month, which I’ve been doing pretty interesting things.
Firstly, I thought I my softball journey was going to end (and yes, I italicize(d) ‘thought’ because something interesting happened). The softball season normally ends on a last tournament called The Playdowns. When me and my team, The Angels, played The Playdowns we tend to come in second place to a certain team, but this year was different. After lots of team practices me and my team we’re ready to give the other team everything we got. This grit drove us forward to win the first two out of three games, claiming our wining title! I was so proud of me and my team, which caused me to almost forget that our journey wasn’t over. Due to the fact that we won The Playdowns meant that we got to move on to the U14 softball provincials.
In addition, the worst thing could’ve happened when I was on my way to provincials (which was 90 kilometres away). There was an truck accident on the highway and I was about 10 minutes from being late (well…I guess it wasn’t that bad, but still it sucked). Once my travelling dilemma was fixed, I was at provincials and played my first game. We won the first game of the day and I was really excited, pumped, and happy (I can’t really think of anymore adjectives right now, so I’ll just stick with what I’ve got). After the first game we played two more games that we sadly lost, but I blame it on the heat (okay..and the fact that they were good teams).
To continue, there were a lot of teams provincials which caused us to played more games, and we did, in the next day. To start off the day we lost the first game, but we won the next. The game that we won was very rewarding because of the fact that the team we beat was undefeated! That game wasn’t the last in the day because we had one more important game that decided if we would continue playing. We unfortunately lost that game, due to a grand slam against us. Overall I was really proud of my teams achievements throughout our softball journey.
Secondly, I just started writing a novel (I’m still working on the title). If you didn’t know I’m not much of a writer, but I thought this would be a fun way to challenge myself. I got this idea from a BaseCamp card that I was reading…
Even though I’ve only wrote the intro of the book I have a gut feeling that I might actually get to finishing it. If I continue with writing it, I’ll probably keep an weekly update on blog posts (so don’t go away!).
In conclusion…I’ve done, and will do, many more things throughout this summer. Those were the main things that stood out to me to write about (and mostly because I kinda forgot the other things I’ve done). Even though I love summer I’m still really excited to be starting a new year of PLP, which will certainly bring me joy!
Enjoy your summer,
Alicia 😁
P.S. there’s a sneak peek within my blog post about my book. Have you found it yet?
Hey Alicia! This blog post is awesome, very inspiring! I remember going to provincials with you and getting suck in that HUGE traffic jam, glad we got there in time to play our first game! 🥳
I would recommend trying to incorporate a few more photos, I found my eyes being drained of the visuals. I bet You have a few amazing photos from provincials… over 10/10 blog post in my books 📚