Time for a tPOL!

Declaration of Learning:

“Thank you for coming to my presentation on learning. I am an expert in my learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.” 

Welcome to my Transitional Presentation of Learning! I will be reflecting on my growth as a learner throughout this entire year and through this presentation, I will try to provide evidence to answer this driving question:

“Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level?”

The short answer is, this year I have done many projects that have made me learn and improve. The projects I will show will prove why I am I feel that I’m able to advance to the next year. This year I have continued to improve and at a point in my learning plan in which I have developed certain profiles of different curricular competencies.


Since my mPOL, I was able to work in two additional subjects other than Humanities 10. In Humanities, I did a total of 6 projects, yet I think 3 show my improvement as a learner: 

Gold Digger

Ology of Apology

Romeo and Juliet 

Save Juno Beach 

Power of Imagination 

Lies and Incongruencies

All of these projects improved my skills. Yet, there are still three projects that improved two different areas of the curricular competencies. These two projects are “Lies and Incongruencies” and “Save Juno Beach”. Throughout these projects, I built on my use and understanding of competencies that I was working on improving since the start of the year.

Curricular competencies built upon in Lies and Incongruencies: 

  • Creative thinking 
  • Social Awareness and Responsibility 
  • This project was a high-quality workpiece 

What is the most interesting thing you have learned so far this year? 

In the ‘Power of Imagination’ project I created a video with a group. I learned the background behind Disney and how the company started. It was interesting learning the background information and learning how everyone is consumed with an idealistic reality. 

Curricular competencies used in Save Juno Beach:

– Communicating 

– Critical and Reflective Thinking 

How was the revision process used in this project?

  • I create a draft, just to showcase my idea
  • I got feedback from my peers
  • I edited based on the feedback 
  • I got even more feedback for any extreme grammatical errors

Throughout this project, I think I strived to answer the driving question and make an impact with the piece. I think this led to my using a great work ethic to achieve this goal. 


PGP is a new subject I start this year and it stands for “Progress Learning Plan”. This subject has introduced me to the idea of finance and developing/recognizing skills that could be used in the future. Within this subject, I went on a field study to Loon Lake, which I briefly mentioned in my mPOL. I also did 3 other projects centred around planning for the future. 

Loon Lake 

Creating Opportunities From Balance

Marketing You


All of these projects and experiences improved me as a learner in many different ways. Yet, the project Finance showed the areas where I needed to improve upon my performance. 

Why do you think you didn’t show your best performance?

  • I didn’t put in as much effort as I could into my reflections
  • My budgeting wasn’t detailed 
  • I wasn’t engaged
  • My engagement with my stocks weren’t great and I didn’t adapt to my mistakes quickly 

What can I do to improve next time?

  • I can try to focus on the goal of the project before I give up 
  • I can find the positive side to the negatives
  • I can experiment with new ideas (not always ethical)


In the most recent semester, I started working on a subject called maker. In this subject, I completed 3 projects. These three projects are: 

Making Personal Design Choices

Using Design to Influence Others For Good

Using the Reflective Process of Design

Throughout all of these projects, I have been able to improve myself as a learner. Yet, one specific project called “Using the Reflective Process of Design” was the project that I think showed my progression, as a learner, the most this year. I was able to utilize the different skills that would further progress me as a learner. I enjoyed creating a podcast, but I was able to use skills that were built and carry them through to the end of the year. 

An important curricular competency used in this project: 

  • Personal Awareness and Responsibility
Podcast schedule


This act of responsibility ultimately led to the creation of my podcast, which is something I’m proud of. 

Learning Plan Assessment

Was I able to use my settings habits and dispositions?

  • In short, yes. 

  • Disposition: I made real-world changes
  • Habits: Even though my questioning could’ve been improved, I still made detailed notes
  • Systems: I was able to build an effective scheduling system
  • Goal: I was able to feel proud of my proficiency percentile in each subject 

I was able to build on many aspects of my profiles for each of the core competencies.  

 Core Competencies


  • In my learning plan, I decided to move up my profiles for this competency to challenge myself, and I think I lived up to that challenge 
  • Whenever I use critical and reflective thinking I would always end up pushing myself and using creative thinking, and vice versa. 

Personal and Social  

  • I have been able to constantly improve my use of this competency in ALL the subjects
  • I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to ensure I would improve on different aspects of this core competency 
  • I was specifically able to use personal awareness and responsibility throughout many projects, proving I succeeded at implementing this into my growth as a learner 


  • At the start of the year I changed my communication profile from a 4 to a 5 and I think that has pushed me to use communicate effectively
  • I’ve been able to improve my uses of communicating in a well-constructed form to a greater audience 

Driving Question 

“Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level?”

  • I proved I can be a successful individual learner 
  • I’m proud of my growth throughout this year
  • I know I still have a place to improve in my use of competencies 

Thank you for reading my tPOL post!

Alicia 😀

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