Hey! Have you ever not wanted to accept critique and revise your work? If so, keep reading…
Revision is a concept that you, as a PLP grade 8, will see a lot this year. It’s not something to hate on, even if it seems like someone is disregarding your work. I know many people, including myself, in grade 8 spent a lot of time on our work. Once we got critique, it felt like all of our hard work wasn’t being recognized, but that’s not the case.
When people give you feedback it’s important to embrace it. By accepting feedback it improves your work because will make your idea appeal to more people. This act of collaboration is what your teachers want to see.
Revision not only challenges your work, but improves your grade. If you’ve read this far, I’m assuming you care about your results in school. If I’m right that means you probably protect your work and don’t want feedback on it. This thinking isn’t how you should approach schoolwork, instead be open to new ideas and improvements, that’s how you will succeed.
Effectively revising your work is what can get you on the right side of success, heck even this piece of writing has been altered many times. Guarding your work will eventually bring you down. It’s important that you accept critique, because in the long run it makes you a better, more successful, student.
No more hate towards revision. Hopefully you’ve become more aware of it’s importance.
If you want to check out how I, as a grade 11 student, have revised throughout the years check the rest of my blog!