tPOL 2023/2024

🗣️ Declaration of Learning:

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.” 

Welcome to my tPOL post! I reflecting on my growth as a learner throughout this entire year.

I will provide evidence to answer this driving question:

“How can you showcase evidence to demonstrate that PLP Success Behaviours have prepared you to advance to the next grade?”

Throughout this year I have done many projects that have made myself learn and improve. These projects will show why I am I feel that I’m able to advance to the next year. I have been able to sufficiently used success behaviours to benefit my learning. 


In this subject I have completed a variety of different projects throughout the year, all contributing to my learning in different ways: 

Mightier Than The Sword

Manhattan Project² 

The Great Debaters

Who Cares and Why Bother?

Fear Factor

Cat and Maus 

I was able to improve my self as a learner throughout all of these projects. Moving forward with this reflection I am going to go over the three project I found most significant to my learning: In “The Great Debaters”, Who Cares and Why Bother?”and “Fear Factor”.

The Great Debaters

The competencies I built on within “The Great Debaters”:

  • Critical and reflective thinking 
  • Communication

🪴 How I continued to improve my products (revisions):

  • I created many drafts of my debate speech, constantly asking for feedback and advice (showing my agency) 
  • I was able to revise the way in which I presented  

I think revise not only my product, but the way I presented my product really contributed to the insightful outcome.

Rebuttals helped specifically improve my learning, through requiring…

  • In-depth knowledge of topic
  • Thinking on my feet
  • Interpreting other argument 
  • Overall sense of engagement with learning 

Who Cares And Why Bother

[insert “who cares and why bother” metaslider with Project title caption]

👍 What I think I did well:

  • Carrying skills of audience presentations from “The Great Debaters” (use engagement and effort to continue concepts learnt)
  • In-depth analysis of Lord of the Flies

🛠️ Area’s I could’ve improved (teamwork):

  • Collaboration 
  • Communication  

Fear Factor

I was able to contribute to my learning in this project through:

  • Detailed engament with note taking 
  • Pushed myself to expand and connect my thoughts (connecting to past projects) 
  • Improving on the way I actively participating in discussions

An example of this was when I did two Socratic seminars and at first relied on prompts or examples of peers, but then stepped up my learning and contributed my own concepts to the discussion. 

🙌 High quality piece of work:

  • My notes 
  • Final product 

BC First Peoples 

This year I’ve worked on a new subject called BC First Peoples. In BCFP I worked on completing many different aspects of what makes up BCFP:  

BCFP Units

 Within this list of unit, I felt that I best showed my learning in “Honouring The Children” and “Acknowledging Rights”.

Honouring The Children

In acknowledging rights I even decided to deepen my learning through choosing that as my area of focus for the spring exhibition. 

In doing this I was able to…

  • Use engagement 
  • Deep Understanding 
  • Enthusiasm and curiosity for learning 

🤝 Teamwork

  • Collaborating throughout the exhibition final product 


  • Effectively contributed to a group effort 
  • I took responsibility for my own learning, and the learning of others.

Learning Plan Assessment 

Did all the work you completed this year meet your standards?

The goal throughout this year was to achieve the goal set in my learning plan:

  • I was able to show growth in my usage of the success behaviours  
  • Improve on my grade 10 experiences, and become more well-rounded
  • Able to show my adaptability through every project’s challenges

⛑️ Agency 

  • Accepts feedback and makes revisions (writing and presentation: Great Debaters) 
  • Responsibility for own learning
  • Completes assignments to best of abilities

🗣️ Communication 

  • Utilizes digital communication tools (content based: animations)
  • Reliable and trusted team member (spring exhibition) 

👀 Engagement 

  • Actively Participates with discussions (improved in socratic seminars)
  • Demonstrates growth over time
  • Demonstrates curiosity for learning 

🌟 Answer to driving question:

“How can I showcase evidence to demonstrate that PLP Success Behaviours have prepared me to advance to the next grade?”

I feel I am ready to advance to the next grade level because I feel I used my success behaviours to exceed my own expectations. In understanding content in an in-depth level I was able to show my engagement through making deep connections. These connections to real-world concepts showcases my ability to use sophistication. If I can do this now, I can definitely move forward with this concept in the next grade level. 

Thanks for reading,

Alicia 🙂

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