Time To Make Some Money!

Hello! Within this blog post I will be reflecting on my last scimatics project ‘Time is Money’. In this project we created a product or service to sell and analyzed the income, time, and costs used. To accurately learn using the curricular competencies we also learnt some very important content, linear equations. The driving question […]

Learn, Explore, Fly and Film!

Hello! I just finished a concluding Maker 9 project for this year. This project was called “Your First Film”. This project was about creating a documentary about something that interested the filmmaker (AKA ourselves). The documentary was meant to use and enhance our filmmaking skills from the past project, Vibrant Video. I fell that this […]

Eat, Sleep, Create Meiosis Models!

Hello! Within this blog post I will be reflecting on a new scimatics project that I finished called Meiosis Models. In this project we learnt about the process of both mitosis and meiosis and were tasked with showing these processes throughout accurate 3D models. The driving question for this project is “How is other reproduction […]

Videos, They’re Very Vibrant!

Hello! Have you ever wonder how vibrant your personality is? Your about to find out in this post! (Just kidding, anyways continuing…) This blog post is about a short, Maker 9, project I’ve completed called Vibrant Video. The goal of this project was a to develop skills to become an effective movie maker. As I […]

A War To End All Wars (I think not)

Hello! I’ve completed another project in my Humanities 9 year. This project is called “A War To End All Wars: Graphically Told”. We got to learn about events that happened throughout WW1 and turn this knowledge into a story. With this concept I strove to answer the driving question: “How might we use graphic novels […]

Become Effective Not Subjective

Hello! This blog post will be about a new Maker 9 project called ‘Believe in Good’. Within this project we were tasked with reading a book called The 7 habits By Stephen Covey or a connecting book targeted towards teens called 7 Habits of a Highly Effective Teen by Sean Covey. I read the teen […]

Metaphor Machines!!

  Hello world, I’ve started a new scimatics project called ‘Metaphor Machines’. Throughout this project I was tasked to make a Rube Goldberg Machine that displayed the scientific method and and electric circuits. This project also had two driving questions which were “How can we represent the scientific method?” and “What factors affect the function […]

“Shifting Into Grouchy Gear!!!”

  Hello! This blog post is going to be quite the reflection. I’ve completed a project/challenge called Destination Imagination. If you’ve read my blog before you may remember this from my grade 8 year. But, this experience was very different then the last (and I’m about to show you why in this blog post). As […]

Nationalism: Man… It’s A Destiny!

  Hello! I’ve started a new Humanities project called “A Case For a Nation”. This project was about researching a topic of the past that relates to nationalism and how content within that historical topic can symbolically be represented through an image/post. The driving question that I strove to answer throughout this project is “How […]

We Don’t Retreat, We Advance!

Hello! This is probably my most important/intriguing reflections throughout this year. For my first time ever I went on a field study! Now, what’s a field study you may ask. In short answer, It’s is a trip where learners go out of the school environment and build on different skills in unique places. Which leads […]