In this turbulent era of time, with international quarantine, an oncoming pandemic, the stock market crash and a rescheduled release date of Stranger Things, I can understand why many people are under the impression that we are currently on the brink of a pandemonium. On Thursday, March 19, the school board of directors in British Columbia released news that K-12 education services would close indefinitely. Who do we have to thank for this genuine decency of the first degree? The Coronavirus! If you were unaware of this novel new virus, take the test below to determine why!
A) I find news of any sorts irksome and vexatious. For this reason, I have been self isolating from any human interaction.
Reason: For someone with no knowledge of the Coronavirus, you seem to have a prodigious understanding of how to self quarantine. Qualified individuals will tell you that this is because you are naturally introverted or ambiverted. Generation Z will tell you that this is because you are one of them. Zodiac enthusiasts will tell you that this is because you are an Aries. Fortunately for you, I am here to tell them that their assumptions are all incorrect. There are only two acceptable forms of constant self-isolators. Members of society who do not want to concern themselves with the current state of their country, and Dwight Schrute. If you do now fall into either of these categories, I would suggest that you find an alternative method to stay updated about the Coronavirus for the health of others.
B) My name is Patrick and I live under a rock.
Enough said.
C) My name is Donald Trump
This may not be a political platform, but I am allowed to express my many sentiments about this tête d’air.
As you rest, I advise you to stay safe and healthy, but don’t fret. The hundreds of female positivity posts circulating on Instagram are sure to make Corona retire soon. While you are waiting for that closure, here are 26 things to do in your spare time!
1. Sign up for Duolingo, and learn a new language
Learning new languages is a hobby of mine, and Duolingo makes it fast and easy to learn.
2. Finish any homework that was assigned to you over break
Perhaps writing this is a hypocritical statement, as I happen to be the queen of procrastination. My advise would be to check your calendar for a free day, and then use the Pomodoro method to get started. The Pomodoro method involves taking a 25 minute work period, and a 5 minute break. Maybe you don’t want to finish the whole project in one day, but beginning it the first step to finishing. Once you get started, it will become easier to continue.
3. Pick up a ball and practice the sport, or invent your own variation
Once you have finished, make the task even more fun by teaching the game to a sibling, friend or parent.
4. Start a blog
You have a whole repertoire of knowledge that could be shared with the world, and perhaps you could help another fellow kid who is suffering from boredom. Once you start blogging you become invested in a whole other community.
5. Refurnish or paint your room
Allow me to set the scene. It is March 22 on a Sunday, and I am sitting on my floor brainstorming pastimes for my siblings. I look at the unused tube of paint that has been sitting on my dresser since Christmas, and I come up with a somewhat destructive idea. Three hours and a whole tube of blue paint later, I have painted my door with a FR E SH A VOCA DO sign. Was it a doubtable outcome? Yes. Did I ever doubt the outcome? No. Hotel? Trivago.
6. Bake or cook something
I challenge you to bake or cook something using only the ingredients in your house. Bonus marks if it is actually edible.
7. Reorganize your phone
I would try to avoid spending your spring break on your phone, as the blue light that is eradicated can be toxic to your photoreceptor. Nonetheless, be creative with the wallpaper and organization of your apps. Perhaps you could add a live lock screen.
8. Work out
When you eventually go back to school, you want to appear even better than when you left. And yes, I know this is cheesy, but developing a stretch and workout routine will do wonders for your health.
10. Listen to a TED talk or Podcast
This is my go-to activity when I have nothing on my schedule. Listening to a Podcast is even more beneficial than watching a movie, as it allows your brain tp form new neural pathways. Surprise yourself with a new subject that you have no knowledge about.
11. Sign up for clubs or volunteer opportunities in the 2020-2021 year
12. Go for a hike, or take your pet for a walk
13. Try meditating
14. Enter an online contest
Are you a talented writer, aspiring movie director, have an astonishing idea or even just want to win an obscure online giveaway? This is your chance to impress both yourself and others by practicing something that you enjoy.
15. Update your resume
Clarification: Now may not be the time to find a job, but I can assure you that once Corona concern has died down and companies have been stabilized that you will want to find a source of income.
16. Research universities
Yet another one of my favourite pastimes, it is never too early to connect yourself to your dream school. This increases your chances of meeting all of their entrance qualifications, and forming ties with school administrators
17. Invent something useful for your daily life
My favourite pastimes last continues to grow. I enjoy doing mini projects that don’t require many materials. Put those Bluesky skills to work and make sure your put it in a non-discreet place.
18. FaceTime your friends
While the majority of the world is panicking, it would be smart to occupy yourself with friends. I am not going to elaborate on this subject, as I am sure that you have already done this. Let me leave you with these words of wisdom: be creative.
19. Solve an online puzzle or make your own
20. Call your family
I understand that we are not always in the mood to pick up a phone and talk to family that we barely see for a long period of time. Believe me, been there, done that, got the t-shirt. But in this time of trouble I am sure that your family would love to speak to you. Take this time to get closer, and remind your grandma that not going to Costco is part of social distancing.
21. Try origami
22. Watch the Netflix series Dark
This German Netflix-Original has been my saving grace. I will try not to turn this into a tangent, but it is really intellectually stimulating. The music is amazing, and the concept is pretty fascinating.
23. Try a difficult bike trail
This is more of a note to self, as I have always wanted to bike a mountain trail. Bring snacks in case of a fall, because eating is always the answer to your sorrows. Oh, you have mangled your Achilles’ tendon? Here is a granola bar. See what I mean?
24. Read a book
This may seem like a crazy concept for some people, but reading books comes with many benefits. Pick up something random, or set a reading goal for yourself
24. Research your birthday along with Florida man
The last option may not have clunked your cowbell, so here is an extra just in case. The rules of researching the Florida man are as follows:
– Avoid the deep web
– Stay within the first page of Google. After that, we are talking about some pretty weird things. For the sake of your innocence and sanity, only press articles on the first page of Google.
25. Try your own variation on the Pepsi challenge
Recreate a beverage in your home, and then compare it to it’s originator by making a sibling taste it. I tried doing this with my brother and a drink that I called a quarantini. Spoiler alert: it did not go well. Use this activity at your own risk.
26. Learn or practice an instrument
Teach yourself a new song, or improvise. Please, go ahead and play whatever strikes your fancy.
Looking for more resources? Here are a few highly qualified blogs who can go into more detail on these subjects.
”Good morning, and in case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight” – The Truman Show