Cherry flavoured pez, no doubt about it

Month October 2018

Creative Commons Inspired Poetry

Yes, this is another weekly blog challenge! As you know from my previous post we PLP kids have entered into a blogging challenge offered worldwide. Each week, there’s a new challenge that must be completed! Unfortunately we started 3 weeks late,… Continue Reading →

Commenting Is Pretty Great

Bonjour, mes amis! This post is part of an awesome blogging challenge that all of the PLP students have been required to enter! Each week there is a new task to complete, which helps us improve our blogging skills and experience… Continue Reading →

The World of Steampunk

A sneak peak of our Metaphor Machine!! In our Metaphor Machines unit in Humanities, we’ve been learning about the Industrial Revolution and steam era. Stemming from these topics, we’ve also been designing and reading about steampunk. Steampunk is a genre… Continue Reading →

Alberta Trip!!!

~Once upon a time, there were some PLP kids who wanted to travel across B.C. and Alberta. Before going on this trip, they studied story spines and video making, as the focus of their year in Grade 9 is video-oriented…. Continue Reading →

Identity— Alberta Trip 2018

During the first part of our Grade 9 year, we discussed the question, ‘How does the land impact our identity?’ To further our understanding after some in-class discussion, we had the opportunity to go on a 9-day field study across… Continue Reading →

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