
Woah…It’s A Post About Me!

Hello! It’s Amy. This is my post about me. Below I have a list of things about me. Some are random, and some are actually interesting. Here we gooo!

  1. I have never had an avocado
  2. I am in a really cool Apple Distinguished Program called PLP
  3. I have a sister in grade 10
  4. I play Ringette, which is basically a mix between hockey, lacrosse, and basketball, and it’s on ice. It’s confusing.
  5. I love to read
  6. My favourite book right now is Carry On 1 and 2 by Rainbow Rowell, but my favourite book of all time is, of course, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
  7. I really like musicals. A lot
  8. My favourite movies are Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, and The Princess Diaries. You might notice a theme there
  9. If you noticed the theme, good job, but if you didn’t, it was Julie Andrews, aka the queen of the screen
  10. This summer I went to Keats Camp, which was SO SO SO much fun
  11. I also did a super fun acting intensive at Bard on the Beach
  12. I really like painting, not as much detailed painting, but more abstract stuff
  13. I also really like calligraphy/lettering
  14. One of my hobbies is acting, as well as costume design
  15. I love fashion a lot, which basically means I don’t have any money because I spend it all on clothes
  16. I have never been outside of North America, but I want to travel more often
  17. My favourite place is either Vancouver or Victoria
  18. I have the cutest cousin ever, Henry, who is 3
  19. My favourite song is She by Dodie. It’s pretty good!
  20. I really like doing crafts
  21. I can’t function if I don’t have a schedule
  22. I live in either jeans or a hoodie
  23. This is my first time blogging, and I really like it!
  24. One of my hobbies, if you count it as a hobby, is thrift store shopping
  25. I really like watercolour paint

Those are some facts about me! Feel free to comment on this post!

Bye for now,


25 replies on “Woah…It’s A Post About Me!”

Hello Amy,
Wow, I feel like I know a lot about you, what a fabulous list. I too have a thing for musicals and Julie Andrews. One of my favorites is Victor Victoria, have you seen it?
You are off to a good start, I hope you enjoy the remainder of the Student Blogging Challenge.
Mrs. L. Dewar

Hi Mrs. Dewar! Thanks for the comment! I have never seen Victor Victoria before, but thanks to you it’s at the top of my need to watch movie list!

Dear Amy,
Thanks for the comment on my blog. I like how you made a list of weird and interesting facts about yourself. I also love to read and mainly live in a hoodie and shorts. I like musicals too, but my sister loves them more. I like to paint abstract and detailed pictures, but I really like to make things out of LEGO.
From Charlie

Hi Amy,
After reading through this blog post I realized that you and me have quite a lot in common. If you like water colours I would definitely recommend sketches pro they have a water colour tool that I use a lot. Make sure to check out my blog at


Great post! You’re doing great so far so keep it up! Also I’m glad that I’m not the only one that hasn’t eaten an avocado before.

Great blog post Amy. I got to know you more then I did before. The bullet list gives us an easy way t o read.

Great post Amy, there is a lot of things about you in this really long list. The numbers made easy to read your list. I also played ringette on the A team 2 or 3 years ago. I learned a lot of things that I didn’t know about you, before I read this blog. Check out my blog

Hi Amy,
I noticed that you’ve never tried an avacado, neither have I!

Also I noticed that you like to paint, I don’t paint very often, but when I do I enjoy it.

What inspires you to paint?
Best wishes,

Hi Joseph!

Thank you for the comment. Fellow people who have not had avocado unite!

I am inspired a lot by nature. I live in a very beautiful place, with lots of nature, so I like to paint that. If I’m doing more abstract stuff, I use a lot of geometric shapes. I love to paint watercolour galaxies inside of a diamond, or a triangle, or a circle.


Hi Amy, cool list. You said that you can’t function without a schedule, neither can I! We have many things in common other than that too!

Hi Amy! It was really interesting learning all about you! I am glad that we have alot in common! First of all, I think Ringette sounds really cool! I also like to read! Musicals are awesome! I love them so much! Have you seen Hamilton? Hamilton is my favorite musical, although I just saw Alladin the Musical and it was really good! I think calligraphy is really pretty! I LOVE ACTING SO MUCH! I acting in and outside of school! I have never been out of North America either!

Hello Anna!
I’m glad we have a lot in common to! Ringette is cool. I love to read to! I love Hamilton! I haven’t actually watched it in person, but I love listening to it. Aladdin sounds really good! What shows have you acted in?
Thanks for the comment! What is your blog?

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