Student Blogging Challenge

Student Blogging Challenge Week 8

Hello! For this week in the SBC, we had to do a bit of a reflection on our blogging challenge experience. It was our last week, so we reflected on the whole challenge. I made some charts to show different things, from comments, to my enjoyment of that week. It was very fascinating to see all of the data put together, and you can see how the data relates to each other! I hope you enjoy them!

The first set I made was number of comments. As you can see, I got a lot of comments on my Week 1 post. I did not get a lot of comments on my Week 3 and Week 5 post.


My next set was enjoyment of the challenge. I rated each week out of 10. I liked Week 1 and Week 4 the best.


I also made a handy dandy little thing called a Story Map. I used this to highlight the countries that I got views from. I put in picture of the corresponding flags, and a fun fact about each country. It’s cool to look at the map as one big picture, and see how this challenge truly is worldwide.

The next part of this post is my future blogging plans. I don’t have that many plans, other than my required school posts. I do like writing blog posts for school, and we usually have to write a post after we finish a project, so it’s not like I’m going to stop writing blog posts. For me, the blog posts we do for school are a way to really highlight our work. We get to show things to the world, and get feedback both from our teachers and peers, and from strangers around the globe. This opens our eyes, and expands our worldview. The SBC does a similar thing, and it gives us even more opportunities to show our work to a huge audience. That is one of the really cool things about it. I’m excited for next year, and I am excited to improve on the posts that I have done. This challenge has taught me a lot about blogging, and I will use the skills that I have gained in the future!

I have put in my Certificate of Achievement for the Student Blogging Challenge.

I made this poll to ask people what their favourite week that they did of the Student Blogging Challenge was. My favourite week was Week 1!

Which Week of the Student Blogging Challenge Was Your Favourite? free polls


Goodbye, Student Blogging Challenge! I will see you next year!!!


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